Friday, December 2, 2011

Phra Kring

Phra Buddha Bhaisatjayaguru, commonly known as Phra Kring or The Medicine Buddha is widely and popularly revered in Mahayana Buddhist countries like China, Tibet or Taiwan. Phra Buddha Bhaisatjayaguru made its way into Thailand’s Theravad tradition due to the influx of Chinese migrants or businessmen whom travelled to Siam Kingdom then. It is a popular practise then, when they were to travel afar, these Chinese will pay visit to Phra Buddha Bhaisatjayaguru for safety and business prosperity. As we all have known, many Chinese then have subsequently migrated to Siam Kingdom and settled for good.
Due to long trips away from home, eventually, amulets of Phra Buddha Bhaisatjayaguru were made for Chinese to carry when they are away abroad for long. They called it ‘YauShiFwo’ or The Medicine Buddha. According to some reference the ball bearing that rings inside the amulet emulates the Mahayana chantings that uses bells. But the Phra Buddha Bhaisatjayaguru is made different as compared with Thailand. According to Mahayana tradition, the history of His Bodhistavahood and Enlightenment was inscribbed and melted together with the metals to make the amulets. In Theravad tradition, a complusory sets of yants/takruts and preferably navak metals are used.

The history of making Phra Kring in Thailand dates back to King Naresuan and Phra Somdej Panaret’s time in Ayuddhaya. The tamra or scripture of making Phra Kring states that in order to make an effective or saksit Phra Kring; a few sets of yants must be included, there is more than 108 types of yants in takruts form. However the tamra was lost in wartimes but this ancient scripture was inherited by Somdej Ma of Wat SamPloem decades later. Then it was Somdej Pavarit of Wat Bovorn that has inherited the the knowledge of making a good Phra Kring. But then too, Phra Kring wasn’t as popular until Phra Sangharat Pae of Wat Suthat revived the tradition and strive to seek the knowledge of making Phra Kring saksit.
The 12 vows of Phra Buddha Bhaisatjayaguru or Phra Kring

In accordance to Medicine Buddha Sutra, Phra Buddha Bhaisatjayaguru made 12 great vows. He is attended to by two bodhisattvas symbolizing the sun and moon respectively: Suryaprabha and Candraprabha.

The Twelve Vows
The Twelve Vows of the Phra Buddha Bhaisatjayaguru upon attaining Enlightenment, according to the Medicine Buddha Sutra;

To illuminate countless realms with his radiance, enabling anyone to become a Buddha just like him.
To awaken the minds of sentient beings through his light of lapis lazuli.
To provide the sentient beings with whatever material needs they require.
To correct heretical views and inspire beings toward the path of the Enlightment.
To help beings follow the Moral Precepts, even if they failed before. Especially those whom are in jail and repented.
To heal beings born with deformities, illness or other physical sufferings.
To help relieve the destitute and the sick.
To help women who wish to be reborn as men achieve their desired rebirth.
To help heal mental afflictions and delusions.
To help the oppressed be free from suffering.
To relieve those who suffer from terrible hunger and thirst.
To help clothe those who are destitute and suffering from cold and mosquitoes.


脱苦难祐健康——药师佛(又叫拍劲Pra Kring)

藥師佛 ,因为泰国在佛身中加入一个珠子,当摇动的时候要发出铃声,故名“拍勁”(PRA KRING),意思就是“铃佛”, 是少數於大乘及小乘佛教裡共同尊崇之佛祖的另一種造型!盡管大乘佛教有諸多不同的說法,但都是有共同的地方就是保佑健康,遠離百病,在泰國這南傳佛教國家, 部分佛寺会发行一大一小的一对装,大的有铃声,而小的没有,所以小的另有其名叫“拍猜越”(Pra Chaiwat),是战胜、胜利的意思。最先引進及製作 藥師佛 ( 拍勁 PRA KRING ) 就是曼谷非常著名的善見寺(Wat Suthat)了!

必须追溯到泰國第十二任僧王善見寺主持 「聖僧沈加拉劈」 (注:現今的僧王為僧王寺的聖僧沈環,已是第十九任了); 從文獻及師傅記錄,一百年前, 於佛曆2450年(公元1907年), 當時年青的「龍波沈加拉劈」的師傅患了重病, 病情垂危, 得知在皇宮內存放了一尊從東方傳來的藥師佛 , 據聞此聖物擁有冶病的神力工效, 龍波於是問准當時的泰王借出聖物, 並加入聖水頌經, 其師喝下聖水後, 不久即奇蹟的康復了!!「龍波沈加拉劈」 對此聖物深表謝意, 遂決意研究及製作藥師佛! 及後各大小廟宇也仿效善見寺的拍勁佛了! 所以藥師佛 ( 拍勁 PRA KRING ) 得以推廣至平民百姓! 藥師佛普及後,除了原先治病保平安外,在制作及開光過程還加入了其他多種經文和聖料,所以藥師佛 (拍勁 PRA KRING ) 在泰國是廣受從商及各行人士供奉及佩帶的!

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