Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Early Batch Takrut MaeNangPhim By Lp Up Of Wat TongSai BE2535 ~ BE 2540s 老婆UP 符管早期制作大约佛历2535年之佛历2540年间

Early Batch Takrut MaeNangPhim By Lp Up Of Wat TongSai BE2535 ~ BE 2540s
Nur Takua
Approx 7.5cm Without Case
Excellent condition
Custom Tube Case 

The Above Takrut MaenangpHim Make and Consecrated by Lp Up Himself, yant craft By Lp Up, This early batch of takrut very good for Wish come true, Business, Metta Maha Niyom, Metta maha Saneh, Windfall Luck, KongKapan, kaewklad, very Efficacious all rounder takrut. Many Devotees experienced wonderful incident,one of the reason that Lp Up Takrut are one of the most sought after sacred object by Lp UP. To make a wish kindly recite the Kathat to activate or call upon Mae Nang Phim for guidance and help. If one wishes were granted kindly offer Rice wine for Mae Nang Phim. Result vary from person to person.

Usage and Katha will be provided after 

老婆UP 符管早期制作大约佛历2535年之佛历2540年间

Not Available

Phra Khun Paen praikuman Roon Burapha By Lp Sakorn Of Wat Nongkrap BE 2554 坤评派古慢 龙婆萨空浓夹佛寺加持于佛历2554年 包好镀金人造钻外壳(开关)

Phra Khun Paen praikuman Roon Burapha By Lp Sakorn Of Wat Nongkrap BE 2554
Nur Pong Pasom Pong Praikuman Of Lp Tim with 2 copper takrut Salika
Mixture of 108 Wahn -Pong Saneh, 
-Pong Metta, 
-Din 7 PhaCha
- Pong Mahalap
- Pong Pokasab
- Pong Phuttakun 
- Phong Phuthakun Phu Lersi
- Pong Sabuleut 
- Wahn Dok Tong
- Pong Khesaro
And many more
Done with Gold Plated Casing + Artificial Diamond case
Blessed by Lp Sakorn alone for a long period of time till Major Ceremony, Master Such as Lp Sin Of Wat Lahanyai, Lp Foo Wat Bangsamak, Lp Gliang Wat NgenSutawas, Ajan Somchit Etc

坤评派古慢 龙婆萨空浓夹佛寺加持于佛历2554年 包好镀金人造钻外壳(开关)
经粉材质 + 龙普添恩师派古慢 + 双铜符管
龙婆萨空加持一段长时间直至大法会当日再连同多位大师再加持直至圆满后让信徒结缘参与法会师傅有龙普醒Wat Lahanyai, 龙普富 Wat BangSamak , 龙普Gliang 等

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Not Available

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman 1st Batch Phim Jew By Lp Sakorn Wat Nongkrap BE 2530 第一期·坤平牌古曼指甲模 老婆萨空 Wat NongKrap 佛历2530年

Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman 1st Batch Phim Jew By Lp Sakorn Wat Nongkrap BE 2530
Nur Pong Pasom pong Prai Kuman Of Lp Tim
Thai 90 Gold Casing
Thaprachan certified Authentic ( Card Ready )
Excellent condtion
第一期·坤平牌古曼指甲模 老婆萨空 Wat NongKrap 佛历2530年

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Friday, August 23, 2019

Phra Khun Paen Lang Yan Duang Ac Chum Chaikiri BE 2512

For amulets Enthusiasts if you think the 2497 version is too hard to find or price too steep, here's the best substitute rare and beautiful Khun Paen by Ac Chum but with much more affordable price range, just half or less than half of the 2497 price range.  
Phra Khun Paen Lang Yan Duang Ac Chum Chaikiri 
Nur Pong Pasom 
extremely beautiful condition 
Thaprachan Certified Authentic

如果你想收或佩戴阿赞冲坤评2497,但是可能觉得很难找或价钱太高,看过来! 一面师傅制作加持坤评市面流通不多非常少见,但是价格只是坤评2497不到一半。

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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Phra Pidta SomPhrathana Lp Moon Wat BanJiang BE 2543

Phra Pidta SomPhrathana Lp Moon Wat BanJiang BE 2543
Nur ChumPuNu Based With Tian Cai inserted 
Certified Authentic by Guaranteed Phra Institute ( Card Ready ) 
必达愿望成真 龙普满 瓦班战佛历2543年
粉红经粉材质 底部植入圣蜡
According to information mass mixture of 350 kind of holy sacred powder including Pong ChumPuNu to believe that this powder posses great power of Metta Mahasaneh and Mahalap which many devotees who wear Lp Moon amulets contains Pong ChumPuNu experienced good relationship, wealth and fortune. Went thru major Blessing ceremony at Wat SapLamYai and SomPhratana Blseeing ceremony, many top gejis were also join the ceremony which lead by Lp Moon, such as Lp Ruay, Lp Hong, Lp Sawai, Lp Pian, Lp Lamyai etc. Amulets and sacred ObJect consecrated By Lp Moon are very saksit ( efficacious ) Many has experience good fortune, good relationship, safe from harm and mishaps which is why it has been one of the highly sought after amulets in the market and price consistently increasing. Very good for wearing or as collections.
必达愿望成真师傅加持于佛历2543年, 龙普满师傅加持一段长时间后于大法会在Wat SapLamyai, 另称愿望成真加持大法会, 多名大师级参与加持直至圆满后让信徒结缘师傅名称可以参考以上英语翻译排名不分先后。这期自身用料非常好加入大约350种珍贵圣料其中一种就是ChumPuNu 料,据说此料含有非常大的能量能让佩戴着在人缘异性缘财运和成愿方面特强,也因此佩戴师傅参有这料的牌信徒对这方面的感应好评不断。由于师傅制造的佛宝和圣物奇迹不断好评如潮收藏和佩戴着越来越多,因此价格一直上涨。

Monday, August 19, 2019

Phra Somdej Ratsami Kru KrongKlom Lp Suk Wat MakamThao BE 2460

Phra Somdej Ratsami Kru KrongKlom Lp Suk Wat MakamThao BE 2460
Nur Bailan
Thaprachan Certified Authentic (Card Ready )
Known as the number one Magical Wicha Master of All time Lp Suk Wat MakamThao blessed this batch of Somdej For a long Three month. For anyone who want to collect or wear 100yrs old somdej by one of the legendary master, this is one of the best option, Top master, sacred material and grand ceremony. With Affordable Price Tag
出塔光辉嵩笛龙普蜀Wat Makamthao 佛历2460年
获权威机构塔帕赞验证真品 (带卡)
一期非常值得收藏佩戴的百年出塔古老嵩笛,由有神通第一美誉大师龙普蜀Wat Makamthao 师傅加持长达3个月,价格平实亲民

Note: According to info, fake or copy work similarity up to 90%, collectors must take extra precautions

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Not available anymore 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Rian Orahang Ok Mea Nam Koo By Lp Tim Of Wat Lahanrai BE 2518

Rian Orahang Ok Mea Nam Koo By Lp Tim Of Wat Lahanrai BE 2518
Nur TongDaeng 
Excellent condition 
With Thai 90% Real Gold casing 
Certified Authentic By Samakom Phra
( Blue Booklet Certificate)
One of the Most affordable self image rian by Lp Tim, many good feedback also known by Thia as Mi Pasobkhan ( Wonderful  Experienced shared by Many Devotees). Very Good for Metta Maha Niyom, Mahalap, kaewklad and kongkapan. Highly recommended for either wearing or Collecting purposes while still within Mid low Range. 
获权威机构赛马公验证真品 ( 蓝色大本证书)
属于师傅自身牌其中最为平实的一期,好评如潮,师傅的牌对佩戴者带来号人缘,贵人,顺利,平安。有很多灵验事迹。推荐给所有喜欢师傅加持制作的圣物佛牌,佩戴或收藏,现时仍属于中价阶段非常值得入手一面品相漂亮的。现在泰国市价大约2万多到3万多泰铢 价钱再高或低在于品相和汇率。

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Si Perng Keaw Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2490~ 2500s

Si Perng Keaw Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2490~ 2500s
SamakomPhra Certified Authentic
Top Master of Metta Maha Niyom, Maha Saneh also known as Number 1 SiPerng ( Metta Wax ) Of Thailand 

Not Available

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Phra Rattana Kosin Rama 4 BE 2395

Phra Rattana Kosin Rama 4 BE 2394~95
Nur Tong Pasom mixed with lots of Gold, Silver and Jewellerys from Royal
Antique Phra created and design by the King Rama 4, Blessed by Somdej Toh of Wat Rahkang and many other masters approximately 166 years ago.
Certified Authentic By Thaprachan-mag
小金佛RattanaKosin 督制于泰皇4世佛历2539年
大法会又嵩笛多( 阿赞多) 主持和当代名师一起开光加持于大约166年前.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Takrut Solot Mongkon By Lp Thongsuk Wat Sapansung 素落蒙空符管龙婆通蜀WatSapansoong ( Sapansung)佛历2515 ~ 2525

Takrut Solot Mongkon By Lp Thongsuk Wat Sapansoong  (Sapansung ) BE 2515 ~ 2525
Approx 4inches + Long 
Mircon gold case ready to wear
SamakomPhra Certified Authentic
Wat Sapansung lineage very popular for Phra Pidta and Takrut Solot Mongkon. Regard as the Top 5 Powder Phra Pidta and Top 5 Takrut of all time in Thai, Genuine Takrut Solot Mongkon by Grandmaster Lp Iam can easily cost you from 300k Bath onwards. Takrut Solot Mongkon created by Lp Thongsuk to be say as the best substitute and as Efficaciousas as Lp Iam but much more affordable. Lp Mastered the skill of creating Efficacious Takrut Solot Mongkon and phra Pidta, many left over material from Lp Iam to Lp.Klin were use to mixed in to this Takrut Solot Mongkon. 
Takrut Solot Mongkon regarded as one of the Top Range Takrut of all time. All rounder takrut, whichever own this takrut Solot Mongkon are free from all harm, flourish with endless blessing, wealth and prosperity, Protection from all directions. 
Note: In times many has learn to make takrut solot mongkon but not many Mastered the Skills, Wat Sapansung lineage are one of the most well recognized and respected by many.
Note: Thers a smaller version approx 2inches to 2.5inches to be said as takrut Salika instead of Solot Mongkon by some expert.

素落蒙空符管龙婆通蜀WatSapansoong ( Sapansung)佛历2515 ~ 2525
配有镀金符管外壳 大约4寸+- 
品相漂亮 收藏级品相
师傅直系有泰国5大粉必达之一的龙婆Yim大师,师傅除了必达外素落蒙空又称为16层天符管也是属于顶级符管有全能符管的美誉,得到天神保护,祝福,扭转乾坤,让坏事变好,战胜敌人竞争对手,成愿,转好运。相比祖师(师公)龙普YIM 的符管现在最少都30万泰铢起跳属较平实,采用祖师和师傅传承下来的制作符管独戴心咒法门,必达,经粉和金属参与一起制作,师傅也尽得祖师真传所以佩戴龙婆通蜀的圣物绝对是非常好的代替品灵验功效绝不逊色于祖师但价格就相差甚远。据资料法门只传能够接班的徒弟,很可惜,据说传到龙婆通蜀就失传了。


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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Rian Phra Phrom Lor yai Si Na By Lp Si ( See ) Of Wat Sakae BE 2519 ~ 23 四角形四面神龙普使师傅加持制作于佛历约佛历2519~2523

Rian Phra Phrom Lor yai Si Na By Lp Si ( See ) Of Wat Sakae BE 2519 ~ 23
Nur Tong Chanuan ( Mixture of fabart and many old sacred amulets and bucha material ) limited unit were produced
With new waterproof Case
Thaprachan Certified Authentic 

Phra Phrom lor yai Si na follow the design and the back yant as the legendary Phrom Ajan Heng. 

Lp Sie Wat Sakae Phra Phrom very popular among collectors, numerous wonderful incident shared by wearer devotees all this years. It is told that Phrom created by Lp Siee are as efficacious as The Legendary Ajan Heng Plaiwan Phrom, Lp Sie junior to Ajan Heng and not his student as some wrong info shared on the net. Phrom created By Ajan Heng, Lp Sie play an very important part that's is why the Phrom Created by Lp Sie are the best substitute and as efficacious.

四角形四面神龙普使师傅加持制作于佛历约佛历2519~2523年, 查暖材质黄铜钵料加入大量旧铜牌,自身,金身等金属)有师傅手写经文 ( 查暖料少量制作)
附有thaprachan 权威公会验证卡


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Not Available

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Rian Phra Phrom Si Na Khao Lam Dtat Nah Yai By Lp Si ( See ) Of Wat Sakae BE 2523 四角形四面神龙普使师傅加持制作于佛历约佛历2523年, 红铜材质有师傅手写经文

Rian Phra Phrom Si Na Khao Lam Dtat Nah Yai By Lp Si ( See ) Of Wat Sakae BE 2523
Nur Ngern ( Silver )
With new waterproof Case
Thaprachan Certified Authentic 

Phra Phrom Khao Lam Dtat Si na follow the design and the back yant as the legendary Phrom Ajan Heng. 

Lp Sie Wat Sakae Phra Phrom very popular among collectors, numerous wonderful incident shared by wearer devotees all this years. It is told that Phrom created by Lp Siee are as efficacious as The Legendary Ajan Heng Plaiwan Phrom, Lp Sie junior to Ajan Heng and not his student as some wrong info shared on the net. Phrom created By Ajan Heng, Lp Sie play an very important part that's is why the Phrom Created by Lp Sie are the best substitute and as efficacious.

四角形四面神龙普使师傅加持制作于佛历约佛历2523年, 纯银材质有师傅手写经文
附有thaprachan 权威公会验证卡


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Not available