Monday, January 20, 2020

Phra Prom Si Na ( Somdej Si Na ) By Lp Ee Of Wat Satahip BE 2484

Phra Prom Si Na ( Somdej Si Na ) By Lp Ee Of Wat Satahip BE 2484
Nur Mekhaphet
Certified Authentic By Thaprachan Mag
Lp Ee are the Top 5 Palakid maker of Thailand, very popular master of the 24xx, only a few sacred object were created, such as , Palakit, Takrut, Rian, Somdej and Pidta etc. The above Phra 4 Na categorise into t2o different design, Prom 3 and Prom 4, Three and four faces which 4 faces smaller in quantity. Protection and blessing from all direction, very good for wearing or collection purposes.
四面神(嵩笛四面)龙普宜 Wat Sathahip 佛历2484年
龙普宜师傅有全套第一巴拉结大师美誉,许多当代巴拉结名师大是和龙普宜学法。师傅生平制作圣物不多,有巴拉结,符管,自身,嵩笛,必达等等。以上四面神大致上分为两款式,3面和4面, 已四面数量较少,佩戴得到各方面的保佑和祝福,另佩戴者事事顺利。佩戴收藏非常好。

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Siperng Keaw By Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2505 早期超级人缘膏盒装内有师傅袈裟布和符管片龙普塔 Wat GraBuek Kuenperng 佛历2505

Siperng Keaw By Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2505
Certified Authentic by Thaprachan
With Master jeevon and takrut Plate. 
Custom Made 3 Ring 90 Gold case

Lp Taap crown the number one si Perng Keaw In Thailand, early creation are hard to come by and price are steep now, the above pc with extra Master Worn jeevon, Takrut Plate and also mixture of Lp Tim's Tian Chai ( Major ceremony sacred Candle Wax which is extra rare for either collection or Wearing,  there's alot self claim or so called Authentic Siperng keaw with cheap price and huge quantity circling around the market, wise collectors will know how to differentiate and choose. 

早期超级人缘膏盒装内有师傅袈裟布和符管片龙普塔 Wat GraBuek Kuenperng 佛历2505


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PDT2 Phra Khun Paen SaPaaiDap Phim Thor Phim Niyom Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2505 带刀坤评阔版(贵模) 龙普塔 佛历2505年

Phra Khun Paen SaPaaiDap Phim Thor Phim Niyom Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2505
Nur Pong Bailan Pasom Si Perng Keaw 
Excellent condition ✔
Thaprachan Certified Authentic ✔
~Lp Taap Blessed this batch of Khun Paen for a long 3 months, 2nd major ceremony many top gejis such as Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai, Lp Lard Wat NongGraBok, Lp Keaw, Lp Hom etc
Ceremony which start approx 6pm and last till 2am the next day, Lp Tim continuously Blessed this Batch of Khun Paen non stop for more than 8 hours During the Ceremony. One of the best Khun Paen By Lp Taap . Photo Pc is Phim Dtor, also consider the most popular and expensive Phim among all 05 Khun  paen.
🔥Note: Copy work or fake circling around the market now, similarity up to 90% Collectors must take extra precautions 🔥
带刀坤评阔版(贵模) 龙普塔 佛历2505年
~号称全泰第一人缘膏的美誉龙普塔师傅亲自加持长达3个月,后再举办大法会多名大师亲临加持,当然少不了师傅好友龙普添,据说法会从大约6PM开始直接凌晨2时才结束,法会龙普添连续加持长达8个小时中间没有消息甚至喝水。参与大师有LP Lard Wat NongGraBok, Lp Keaw Lp Hom Wat Chamak , 等等 坤评是师傅一期最受欢迎的圣物佛牌。图中是聘多属于05版本坤平中最受欢迎和最贵版本

备注: 市面上仿制品越来越多,有些和真品接近90%,藏家需要多加注意

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Phra Khun Paen SaPaaiDap Phim Thor Phim Niyom Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2505 带刀坤评阔版(贵模) 龙普塔 佛历2505年

Phra Khun Paen SaPaaiDap Phim Thor Phim Niyom Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2505
Nur Pong Bailan Pasom Si Perng Keaw 
Excellent condition ✔
Thaprachan Certified Authentic ✔
~Lp Taap Blessed this batch of Khun Paen for a long 3 months, 2nd major ceremony many top gejis such as Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai, Lp Lard Wat NongGraBok, Lp Keaw, Lp Hom etc
Ceremony which start approx 6pm and last till 2am the next day, Lp Tim continuously Blessed this Batch of Khun Paen non stop for more than 8 hours During the Ceremony. One of the best Khun Paen By Lp Taap . Photo Pc is Phim Dtor, also consider the most popular and expensive Phim among all 05 Khun  paen.
🔥Note: Copy work or fake circling around the market now, similarity up to 90% Collectors must take extra precautions 🔥
带刀坤评阔版(贵模) 龙普塔 佛历2505年
~号称全泰第一人缘膏的美誉龙普塔师傅亲自加持长达3个月,后再举办大法会多名大师亲临加持,当然少不了师傅好友龙普添,据说法会从大约6PM开始直接凌晨2时才结束,法会龙普添连续加持长达8个小时中间没有消息甚至喝水。参与大师有LP Lard Wat NongGraBok, Lp Keaw Lp Hom Wat Chamak , 等等 坤评是师傅一期最受欢迎的圣物佛牌。图中是聘多属于05版本坤平中最受欢迎和最贵版本

备注: 市面上仿制品越来越多,有些和真品接近90%,藏家需要多加注意

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Takrut Solot Mongkon By Lp Thongsuk Wat Sapansoong (Sapansung ) BE 2515 ~ 2525

Takrut Solot Mongkon By Lp Thongsuk Wat Sapansoong  (Sapansung ) BE 2515 ~ 2525
Approx 4inches + Long 
SamakomPhra Certified Authentic

Wat Sapansung lineage very popular for Phra Pidta and Takrut Solot Mongkon. Regard as the Top 5 Powder Phra Pidta and Top 5 Takrut of all time in Thai, Genuine Takrut Solot Mongkon by Grandmaster Lp Iam can easily cost you from 300k Bath onwards. Takrut Solot Mongkon created by Lp Thongsuk to be say as the best substitute and as Efficaciousas as Lp Iam but much more affordable. Lp Mastered the skill of creating Efficacious Takrut Solot Mongkon and phra Pidta, many left over material from Lp Iam to Lp.Klin were use to mixed in to this Takrut Solot Mongkon. 
Takrut Solot Mongkon regarded as one of the Top Range Takrut of all time. All rounder takrut, whichever own this takrut Solot Mongkon are free from all harm, flourish with endless blessing, wealth and prosperity, Protection from all directions. 
Note: In times many has learn to make takrut solot mongkon but not many Mastered the Skills, Wat Sapansung lineage are one of the most well recognized and respected by many.

Note: Thers a smaller version approx 2inches to 2.5inches to be said as takrut Salika instead of Solot Mongkon by some expert.

素落蒙空符管龙婆通蜀WatSapansoong ( Sapansung)佛历2515 ~ 2525
品相漂亮 收藏级品相

师傅直系有泰国5大粉必达之一的龙婆Yim大师,师傅除了必达外素落蒙空又称为16层天符管也是属于顶级符管有全能符管的美誉,得到天神保护,祝福,扭转乾坤,让坏事变好,战胜敌人竞争对手,成愿,转好运。相比祖师(师公)龙普YIM 的符管现在最少都30万泰铢起跳属较平实,采用祖师和师傅传承下来的制作符管独戴心咒法门,必达,经粉和金属参与一起制作,师傅也尽得祖师真传所以佩戴龙婆通蜀的圣物绝对是非常好的代替品灵验功效绝不逊色于祖师但价格就相差甚远。据资料法门只传能够接班的徒弟,很可惜,据说传到龙婆通蜀就失传了。


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