Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Rare Bucha Ac Tim Wat ChangHai BE 2538 阿赞添瓦舱海供奉形金身佛历2538年

Rare Bucha Ac Tim Wat ChangHai BE 2538
Nur Loha 
Excellent condition Original skin 
4inches lap 
藏级品相 原皮没救加工修补过
For more information kindly contact us 


Friday, December 2, 2022

Phra Pidta Mahalap Phim Lp Keaw Wat Nang Sao BE2522 正统金达马尼必达马哈腊又被称为魂派勇必达瓦囊勺佛历2522年

Phra Pidta Mahalap Phim Lp Keaw Wat Nang Sao BE2522
Nur Pong Jindamanee ( Pure Jindamanee)
~ This batch of Pidta getting more and more popular recently, with clear official records creating details and background, for funding Wat Nong Sao building and restoration work.
Lp TongYu arranged the major ceremony and provided two basins of Pongya Jindamanee inherit from the legendary Lp Boon Wat Klangbangkaew and Lp Perm Wat Klangbangkaew, Lp Tongyu are the nephew and disciple of Lp Boon. Hens this batch of Phra Pidta Mahalap Jindamanee are of the Complete formula Jindamanee from Original Wat Klangbangkaew lineage. 
Major ceremony attended by Top Gejis such as 
LP Perm Wat Klangbangkaew 
LP Toh Wat Pradoochimplee 
LP Sud Wat Kalong
LP Rien Wat Bang Ra Hong
Lp Thongyu 
Lp Thira Wat Palelai and many more
~ It is believed that Pongya Jindamanee not only has healing properties, also good for overcome obstacles, reverting bad to good, improving luck, Metta MahaNiyom, protection from all harm, promote health and longevity, improving issue related to karma such as illness, legal issues, relationships, livelihood issues etc. 
藏级品相 萨马公验证真品
~ 这一版必达制作,用料,清楚记录下来,用料和法会都是顶级之作。龙婆通昱制作这一期必达马哈腊全数款项归瓦囊勺修建庙宇经费所需,当然也能够制作一期独一无二的好牌给善信带来好运和累积功德。
龙普喷 瓦钢帮桥
龙普多 (桌)Wat Pradoochimplee 
龙普术 瓦卡隆
龙婆练 瓦帮拉宏
龙婆提拉 Wat Palelai
~ 泰国相传有了金达马尼就有起死回生的机会。除了有疗效之外,也能促进健康和长寿,带来好运和财运,把坏变成好,提升地位,提升人缘魅力,也你能够消除/改善孽障带来的不良影响,有助于化解官非,小人等等多不胜数的功效。目前泰国流通量越来越大,收藏佩戴的人也越来越多。还没被炒作前入手的好时机 
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Not available anymore 

Phra Pidta Yant Yung Mahalap Lp Dee Wat Phra Roop BE 2534 必达印勇麦卡锡龙婆迪瓦帕路佛历2534

藏级品相 萨马公验证真品
~师傅制作必达麦卡锡法门传承于有全泰5大金属必达龙婆TAP。麦卡锡必达是师傅名作之一,也是近代少有能够掌握制作此金属的大师。麦卡锡金属是泰国古老法术溶制神秘金属。麦卡锡金属能够大量提升佩戴者运气, 把霉运专为好运弱势专强,保护免受一切伤害 ,传说佩戴麦卡锡佛牌圣物光泽亮丽表示越来越好运。如突然变得暗淡无光就表示可能会有不好的事情会发生或当天的运气不太好需要格外谨慎小心。龙婆迪师傅制作的金属必达不算百年古老金属必达但在许多泰国佛牌资深藏家的地位崇高,在萨马公主席编写的全泰必达图鉴也有详细介绍龙婆迪师傅制作的必达麦卡锡包括图中这一期。对转运招财,生意买卖,避险挡灾难,挡是非避小人 有很好的功效。 

Phra Pidta Yant Yung Mahalap Lp Dee Wat Phra Roop BE 2534
Nur Mekhasit 
Excellent condition 
Certified Authentic By SamakomPhra 
~ Lp Dee inherit the skill of creating Phra Pidta Mekhasit from the Legendary Lp Tap top 5 Alloy Pidta of Thailand. Phra Pidta Mekhasit created by Lp Dee are very popular among collectors, it is recorded in the Top Pidta Collections of Thailand illustrated book by Samakom President Mr Phayap Kamphan. Including this batch of Phra Pidta Yant Yung BE 2534. Mekhasit material are one of the most complex and mysterious holy alloy from the ancient, only a few mastered the spell and skill to create Mekhasit and Lp Dee are one of them. It is believed that Mekhasit can improve worshippers luck significantly, protect worshippers from all harm, hearsay if its shines and gloss naturally represents good luck, becomes dull and colorless when bad luck or something unfortunate about to happen reminding worshippers to take extra precautions. Best for Improving luck, wealth and fortune, Metta MahaNiyom, Avoiding mishaps, backstabbers, protection from all harm etc. 

For more information kindly contact us 
Not available