Monday, June 28, 2021

Phra Yodtong Roon Ha TaYing By Lp Koon Wat BanRai BE 2541 顶旗佛/胜利佛 5期龙坡坤瓦班莱佛历2541年 铅材质 藏级品相

Phra Yodtong Roon Ha TaYing By Lp Koon Wat BanRai BE 2541 
Nur Takua Extremely beautiful condition Samakom competition 3rd Placing 

This batch of YodThong also known as Roon 5 TaYing ( Try Shoot Me ). ~According to information this batch of Phra Yodtong Lp Koon kept in a wooden box in his holiness kuti and blessed by Lp Koon for long 5yrs before distributes to devotees. Best of the best YodTong by Lp Koon. Numerous wonderful feedback by Devotees. 

顶旗佛/胜利佛 5期龙坡坤瓦班莱佛历2541年
铅材质 藏级品相

备注:这一期被称为 Roon Ta Ying可以翻译成试射击,据说有信徒试射子弹卡住不能发射。

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Phra Phikanet Lp Yiam Wat HuaKhao BE 2470~ 

Phra Phikanet Lp Yiam Wat HuaKhao BE 2470~ 
Nur Loha Pasom With Kring 
Excellent conditions 
Certified authentic Samakom Phra

Lp Yiam crown the Top 5 Boran Figurine Nangkwak of Thailand, other Boran Figurine include Phra Phikanet, Pidta, Hanuman aslo the Top teer list of Lor Boran Figurine / Mini Statue of All Time, according to information Lp Yiam will blessed each Figurine individually untill it completely/ fully blessed before moving to other till totally completed then will further blessed alll Figurine together before distributes to devotees. Lp Yiam amulets not only famous for Metta Maha Niyom, Wealth and fortune, but also very famous for Konkapan and keawklad numerous recorded incident too. 

合金材质 内有遥珠 
藏级品相 萨马公验证真品 

师傅有全泰第一旧式招财女神立尊的美誉,师傅其他旧式灌铜/倒铜比如像神立尊,必达,哈怒慢都是例为顶级之作,师傅的牌除了对人缘魅力和招财十分显赫之外其实对避险挡灾都很厉害也有很多相关的报道记载。 相信很多人也想试试师傅的其他杰作。

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Special Rahu Lang TorTong Pidta Lp Jeud Wat Photisetthi BE 2530~57 拉胡单眼椰雕龙坡绝原庙佛历2530年~57

Special Rahu Lang TorTong Pidta Lp Jeud Wat Photisetthi BE 2530~57 
Nur Gala Dta Diew Takrut Ngern 
Certified Authentic by Thaprachan-Mag

Special HandCraft Single Eye Coconut Rahu with Coconut Powder, Wahn 108, Sivali PhraDhat, Pidta, Lp Jeud Jeevon, 27 Short Handwritten Takrut + 2 Long silver Takrut. TorTong Wealth Wasp and one of the most popular Krueng Lang By Lp Jeud, Rahu and TorTong by Lp Jeud has many good and wondeful Experience by Local and overseas devotees, his holiness master the skill of creating Efficacious Rahu from Wat Srisatong formula passing down from the Legendary Lp Noi the No1 Rahu master. Lp Jeud Rahu are very popular among collectors especially recent years, price constantly increasing. Act fast while still within affordable range.

单眼椰壳材质 后有师傅必达,大黄蜂,银符管,袈裟布,Sivali舍利,单眼椰壳粉,108经粉,27短2长大支手写银符管。

这一期特别版拉胡可以说集齐了师傅的非常有名的两大圣物,招财大黄蜂和拉胡,口碑都非常好,当地海外都有很多好评。师傅制作拉胡法术一脉相承于有全泰第一拉胡Wat Srisatong。 ~师傅的拉胡是近代最受欢迎的拉胡之一,价格不断上涨。想收一面好拉胡的牌友赶快了,不要等到大涨了才出手。收藏佩戴都很好 

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