Tuesday, May 30, 2023

坤评派湿安南龙婆安南Wat Bangplinoi 佛历2565年 Phra Khun Paen Prai Sab Anan By Lp Anan Of Wat Bangplinoi BE 2565

 Phra Khun Paen Prai Sab Anan By Lp Anan Of Wat Bangplinoi BE 2565

Nur Pong PraiSab Si Daeng (Red Series)
New Unworn with Temple box 
Limited to 999pcs Phim 
~ This Batch Of Khun Paen Prai Sab Anan mixed with many holy sacred powder and herbs, Lp Hairs,  Gems, phra dart etc and the most important ingredients will be the Pong Prai Collected and blessed by Lp Anan for more than 10yrs. The Pong prai required only those who passed away on Saturday and cremated on Tuesday with the selection of Gambler, womanizer or playboy, man or women with lots of partner,  charming person. To enhance the properties of the Prai Powder. LP Anan spent more than 10yrs to accumulate and purified the Pong Prai and mixed into this batch of Khun Paen help devotess improving luck, Metta MahaNiyom, metta maha saneh,  Windfall luck, wealth and fortune in the same time to gain merit for The Pong Prai as well. Many many good feedback from wearer devotees especially on Luck, wealth and Good relationships
Note : Due to mass ingredients each Pc of Khun Paen Prai Sab Are unique 
 坤评派湿安南龙婆安南Wat Bangplinoi 佛历2565年
经粉派湿 全新有原庙盒 (红肉)
~ 师傅加持这一期坤评一段长时间和多次大法会加持。混合大量珍贵旧料和草药,师傅圣发,宝石等等。主要也是这一期坤评特色也就是加入了师傅收集和加持超过10年的碰派。据师傅描述只收集亡于星期六在星期二火化的生前豪赌,赌徒,花花公子,生前有很多老婆,要么生前有很多伴侣的男女等等师傅用超过10年时间收集和净化这帮碰派能够僧强牌的灵力和相助信徒带来好运同时能够累积功德给碰派已达到双赢。信徒好评不断。收藏佩戴都很好

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Friday, May 12, 2023

Rian Mahachat MahaChanuan Ud Pong Piti Phrom Prasit BE 2565

Rian Mahachat MahaChanuan Ud Pong Piti Phrom Prasit BE 2565
Nur Maha Chanuan Ud Pong
~ Never Before in History using over 100 million bath of Thailand Legendary holy mass to create this batch of Sacred Object and blessed by 108 monks on 2 different Major Ceremony. Can be wear as Loop Ohm or Takrut 
法轮/烽火论MahaChat MahaChanuan 佛历2565
混合顶级圣料 (金属和料)
~ 号称混合泰国史上最多最贵顶级料近亿元泰铢顶级圣料的圣物, 108名师两场大法会加持。可以当作路嗡,符管方便佩戴。

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