Sunday, April 18, 2021

Phra Somdej Naprok Pong Soros Lang Dtor Ratsami Dok Bua Maechi Boon Ruen BE 2499 

Phra Somdej Naprok Pong Soros Lang Dtor Ratsami Dok Bua Maechi Boon Ruen BE 2499 Phim Niyom

(Popular Phim )
Nur Pong Soros Mahaprom 
Certified Authentic by Samakom Phra
Silver Casing Rose Gold Plated 
~Somdej Naprok mixture of mass ingredients with pong soros powder, creating Pong soros are very difficult not many master the skills to prepare pong Soros, basically will be written on board using sacred powder made into chalk etc, after each yant completed the powder will be erase from the board and collected, the process will repeat with different yant, According to information Which believe Pong Soros Mahaprom will flourish devotees with Wealth and fortune, protection from all harm and danger also fullfill one wish ( Wish Come true) 

嵩笛7龙佛拉萨米莲花印冠咩布伦佛历2499年经粉材质所咯 (流行版本)
萨马公验证真品 ( 纯银盒镀玫瑰金)
这一期嵩笛7龙佛是神尼这一期牌当中最受欢迎和高价的一个版本,加入大量特别圣料经粉 其中之一最为特别难得就是所咯经粉 据说制作这种经粉不简单只有少数师傅懂得制作加持的法门,师傅会将加持过的经粉制作成粉笔然后在板上写上制作所咯的经文然后擦掉,会把擦下的经粉收集起来,连续写上不一样的经文重复收集。据资料所咯经粉也可称为16层天圣粉,可以带来无限财富,远离一切伤害厄运,也能助信徒愿望达成。

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Not available

Takrut Samkasat Maha Baramee Trimas 50 By Lp Phel Of Wat Rangman BE 2550 

Takrut Samkasat Maha Baramee Trimas 50 By Lp Phel Of Wat Rangman BE 2550 Nur Samkasat Lp Phel Blessed this batch of Takrut continuously for 3 months, futher blessing for another 3 Major Blessing ceremony. Consist of 3 Takrut Chrome Gold, Rose Gold And Silver. Each represents unique mystic Yant & with different function, the function can be break down as follow:- ~ Gold Yant Dtor Kongkrapan, yan Kru Lp Phel inherited by the legendary Lp Klan Wat Phayat, which is good for Kongkapran chatri, Keawklad Blot Pai, Maha Ut ( Protection from all harm, Push you away from all harm, Avoiding misfortune mishaps.) ~ Silver ( KalaiNgern) Yant Metta Maha Niyom, Maha Saneh, Mahalap, Karkai Kong Dee, MahaAmnaj Baramee ( Charm, attractiveness, wealth and fortune, Business and trading, Fame and popularity, Power of Authority fear by your enemies and leadership) ~ Rose Gold ( KalaiNak) Yan ataan Ubaat Janrai ( Repel bad luck, negative energy, curse and purified wearer also places you stay, work or visiting. Suitable for everyone, no restrictions on wearing either top or below waist, just Carry or wear the takrut wherever you go. Holiday, Business, meeting etc etc Keep one or more before price Goin up again. Lp Phel Currently 98yrs old, his holiness are one of the Top master of NakonPathom, sacred object created and Blessed by Lp Phel are widely known by Local and overseas numerous wonderful experiences shared by wearer devotees.

3k符管潘撒50马哈巴拉谜龙坡飘瓦朗纹佛历2550年 3k Samkasat (镀金,银,玫瑰金) 师傅亲自加持连续三个月,后再加持三个大法会直接圆满才让信徒结缘。3k 符管分为 镀金,银,玫瑰金 每一支符管有独特经文和功效。功效可分为以下 ~金 印多印古龙坡飘,传承于有全泰第一自身龙坡干瓦派雅压,护身免受一切武器伤害,毒蛇猛兽攻击,挡灾避险,闪避意外和不幸。 ~银 印马哈呢拥 马哈伸呢。人缘魅力,异性缘,贵人相助,生意买卖,提升名望和功名,名成利就,功名利禄。 ~玫瑰金 驱除一切身体和地方的霉运,负能量,阻咒,净化心灵,净化一切不好的,不干净的地方等等。 备注: 适合任何人任何事业佩戴,没有禁忌可以佩戴在上下身,放在家,店,办公室,车,包包。简单佩戴使用,每天出门戴在身边,休闲活动,谈生意,谈判,出差,逛街等等都可以佩戴。 相信龙坡飘师傅也不需要多介绍 师傅现在98岁,佛统俯名师,师傅的圣物佛牌灵验事迹非常多,网上也有好很多信徒实验师傅圣物佛牌符管的灵验短片。 (值得收藏佩戴,不要等到起价才入手)

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