Monday, November 23, 2020

Phra Somdej CheangSean Chun Doo Hwan By Lp Toh of Wat Pradiochimplee BE 2522

Phra Somdej CheangSean Chun Doo Hwan By Lp Toh of Wat Pradiochimplee BE 2522

Nur Pong Pasom Rae Mineral, Bailan, Phra Kring SaiFa material.
Excellent condition 
The President of South Korea Chun Doo Hwan during the 80s were wearing this bath of Somdej miraculously escaped the ambushed at Burmese conference. The efficacious of the Somdej to be said that protected the President from the incident and since the Somdej were called Somdej CheangSean Chun Doo Hwan, in times collectors who keep and wear this batch of Somdej also encountered many wonderful experiences not only good for Safety protection but also very good for Metta , wealth and fortune. The following pc were well preserved front and back due to the reflection of the material the actual Somdej were much more beautiful than the photo itself. 
经粉材质 + 白兰,矿石,雷劈药师佛料
当年韩国总统访泰,泰皇送赠给当时为韩国总统的全斗焕。后韩国总统全斗焕访缅甸时候奇迹发生致迟到会场免于一场恐怖袭击。此事发生后再泰国当时轰动全泰,此牌声明大操,嵩笛全斗焕的由来。多年来佩戴收藏的藏家都有很多灵验事迹发生,不止对避险好,无论是人缘贵人,生意 ,财运都有很好多事迹。
备注: 制作数量大约3000面 + 赠于皇室的999面 ,只有大约3000面流通于市场。经过多年,完整漂亮的越来越少。照片中的牌非常漂亮完整因为有大量矿石和雷劈药师佛的金属所以反光,实牌比照片漂亮很多。

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Takrut Daeng MahaSaneh Lp ChamLong Wat JediDaeng Ayuthaya BE 2548 3"

Takrut Daeng MahaSaneh Lp ChamLong Wat JediDaeng Ayuthaya BE 2548

Nut Takua RongRak Pit Tong
Excellent condition
Best for Metta MahaNiyom, Metta Mahasaneh, Mahalap and Karkai.
Approx 3inches
红符管对人缘魅力,异性缘,贵人相助,生意买卖很好。师傅符管按照古代制作法门,师傅符管灵验事迹非常多,电视多次报道。师傅圆寂于佛历2555年 88岁。
藏级品相 大约3寸长

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Takrut Daeng MahaSaneh Lp ChamLong Wat JediDaeng Ayuthaya BE 2548

Takrut Daeng MahaSaneh Lp ChamLong Wat JediDaeng Ayuthaya BE 2548

Nur Takua RongRak Pit Tong
Excellent condition 
Approx 2inches 
Best for Metta MahaNiyom, Metta Mahasaneh, Mahalap and Karkai.
藏级品相 大约2寸长
红符管对人缘魅力,异性缘,贵人相助,生意买卖很好。师傅符管按照古代制作法门,师傅符管灵验事迹非常多,电视多次报道。师傅圆寂于佛历2555年 88岁。 
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