Friday, April 15, 2022

龙婆银自身Jikko大哥大摸原庙佛历2506年 Rian Jikko Yai Blok Dtem Lp Ngern Wat DonYaiHom BE 2506

阿巴噶材质 藏级品相
~ 这期自身牌Jikko不止牌体积大也被称为大哥大摸是师傅加持于佛历2506年,是师傅非常有名的自身牌,曾经有泰国人说过如果要说单一款式牌对比发生最多灵验事迹,师傅这一期牌会是佛统俯头三名内,当然实际上是很难去考察和证明的说法,只是描述信徒对于师傅这期牌的信心和尊敬。 
~ 这期牌分为大中小摸,但是只有大摸分成4个Blok. 第一个Blok Dtem / Munlanithi完整摸或是没瑕疵摸 也是当中第二贵摸,Blok Wor Khad, Blok Wor+Na Khad 和最贵摸 Blok Na Dtaek (数量稀少). 
由于非常受欢迎和需求量高同款自身分别在2509年,2511年和2517年重做。 有机会收到在和大家介绍。 

Rian Jikko Yai Blok Dtem Lp Ngern Wat DonYaiHom BE 2506
Nur Alpaka
Excellent condition 
Certified Authentic By SamakomPhra 
~ Rian Jikko not only the big in size but also Known as The Big Brother Rian, one of the most well recognized Rian By Lp Ngern, countless wonderful experience, According to Thais that this rian are one of the Top Pasobkhan ( Miracle Experience) rian Of NakonPathom. 
~ This batch of Rian can be categorise into 3 different Sizes, Phim Yai, Phim Klang and Phim Lek. Only Phim Yai with 4 different blok. Blok Dtem/MunLanithi also known as Full Blok, Blok Wor Khad, Blok Wor Khad Na Khad and the most expensive blok Na Dtaek due to very limited Quantity. 
Note: Due to popularity and demand, after BE2506 there's another Version On BE 2509, BE 2511, 2517. 
For more information kindly contact us 
Not available anymore 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

龙婆本自身Amazing原庙佛历2541年 Rian Wai Kru Roon Amazing Lp Pern Wat BangPhra BE 2541

铜熏黑材质 藏级品相
~ 师傅加持一段长时间直至2541年(1998)拜师日版当天出庙让信徒结缘,师傅拜师节日是泰国最隆重拜师日之一,全世界多个国家有现场采访报道过,于当时泰国推介泰国神奇之旅Amazing Thailand,这一期牌也迎合推介泰国神奇之旅命名Amazing。是师傅流行版本自身之一。
Rian Wai Kru Roon Amazing Lp Pern Wat BangPhra BE 2541
Nur TongDaeng RongDam 
Excellent condition 
Certified Authentic By SamakomPhra 
~ Lp Pern blessed this batch of Rian for a long period of time untill Wat BangPhra biggest event of the Year the Wai Kru Ceremony. 
Rian Wai Kru Roon Amazing are of the Most popular Rian Self Image by Lp Pern, Numerous wonderful experience shared by wearer devotees. Due to popularity and high demand from local and overseas replica flooded the market not long after the Wai Kru distribution. Roon Amazing ( Thailand Tourism Campaign The Amazing Thailand ) 
For more information kindly contact us 
Not available anymore 

法相路嗡普塔坤龙坡空Wat Wangsaparot 佛历2520~28年Rare Loop Tai Loop Om Roon Pasobkhan Lp Kong Wat Wangsaparot BE 2520~28

法相路嗡普塔坤龙坡空Wat Wangsaparot 佛历2520~28年
普塔坤混合经粉 上金箔 和师傅原庙法相照片 70真金
Rare Loop Tai Loop Om Roon Pasobkhan Lp Kong Wat Wangsaparot BE 2520~28
Nur Pong Phuttakhun Pid Tong Lp Kong Loop Tai 
Excellent condition Thai 70 Real Gold Frame. 
~ This Loop om with many good experience shared by devotees one of the Miracle batch Of Lp Kong. Very rare as devotees hardly letting go after experience its miracles.

For more information kindly contact us 
Not available 

五元素5色绳特别盒装版龙婆Yod 瓦桥车轮佛历2530s5 Colors String Special Editions By Lp Yod Wat KeawCheroan BE 2530s

五元素5色绳特别盒装版龙婆Yod 瓦桥车轮佛历2530s
~ 师傅成名作之一5色绳Mai BenjatThat,看似平凡但是绝不简单。师傅相传于全泰5大小7龙和顶级5色绳,Takrut lokathat名师龙婆斎Wat Sadet,Lp Yod 尽得恩师真传。也把法门传授于
LP Maha Surasak。
~ 师傅的5元素5颜绳和恩师的分别于绳加多了结。这个结大有来头,据是师傅描述这个结就等于招财鳄鱼。是师傅和Wat Donyaihom Lp Cham传授的法门。
备注: 如果绳佩戴到不能佩戴了可以把结剪下包好就等于一支符管一样。 
5 Colors String Special Editions By Lp Yod Wat KeawCheroan BE 2530s
Excellent condition 
~ 5 Colors String also known as Mai BenjaThat are one of the most popular and well recognized sacred object created by Lp Yod. Lp Yod master the skill of creating 5 Colors Stringband Takrut Lokathat from the Legendary Lp Jai Wat Sadet which is the top 5 Prok Makam, 5 colors string Takrut Lokathat Of Thailand. Lp Yod also the also the master of Lp Maha Surasak.
~ Lp Yod added special knot for this 5 colors strings, according to the master this speical knot represent sacred Crocs which is a wicha learn from Lp Cham Wat Donyaihom. 
~ 5 Colors string are all rounder sacred object, good for Wealth and fortune, Business and trading, protection and avoiding mishaps. Guarding Assets and properties. This Box set suitable for Worshipping on altar, placed in vehicle, wear as necklace with or without hanging amulets. 
Note: If the trings wear off in times, the knot can be cut out and use as Takrut.
For more information kindly contact us 

 龙婆登法照孔雀尾座原庙佛历2493年Loop Tai Waew NukYong Laang Yant Kru Lp Doem Wat NongPho BE2493

后有师傅专用印(墨水) 不是印刷
Loop Tai Waew NukYong Laang Yant Kru Lp Doem Wat NongPho BE2493
Excellent condition 
Photo with Glass back stamp with ink(muek) not printing
Certified Authentic By Thaprachan-mag 
~ Lp Doem Top Mitmor master of Thailand, top 5 Singha Master. The Photo or Loop Tai Created and Blessed by Lp Doem on BE 2493. Very popular among collectors. 
For more information kindly contact us
Not available anymore