~ 这一期虎王罗杰师傅加持三个月直至在千禧年拜师大法会再次加持后才让信徒结缘。瓦帮帕拜师日是全泰其中一个最大的拜师日法会(全世界国地很多知名平道有报道)
~ 9金版本是当中的特别版本,大部分功德主结缘,剩下的开放给信徒结缘当年出庙恭请是3999泰铢一面。师傅拜师日圣物佛牌一直都是藏家信徒的追捧的版本。信徒相信拜师日的圣物佛牌都非常灵验,当然师傅的拜师日圣物佛牌多年来确实都有很多灵验事迹口碑非常好。
Locket Seur Phuttaphisek Waikru 2000 Millennium Lp Pern Wat BangPhra BE2543
Locket + holy powder + 9 Gold Takrur
Limited Unit 399pcs only
Excellent condition
Certified Authentic By SamakomPhra
~ This batch of Locket Lp Pern Blessed for 3 Months untill one of the Biggest Waikru Ceremony in Thailand. Locket embedded with 9 Gold Takrut are of the Limited edition release mostly for Closed disciples and committee members, the rest were open for public at 3999bath per pc. Fully rented after the Waikru ceremony.
~Each Waikru batch amulets by Lp Pern are always one of the highly sought after batches by devotees and collectors, many believes that Amulets on Waikru batches are very efficacious, and each Waikru batches after release has many wonderful experience shared by devotees.
For More Information kindly contact us