Saturday, December 25, 2021

帕普塔财使(Phra PhuttaChaisri ) 龙坡喷瓦钢般桥佛历2518年 Phra PhuttaChaiSri Lp Perm Wat Klangbangkaew BE 2518

帕普塔财使(Phra PhuttaChaisri ) 龙坡喷瓦钢般桥佛历2518年
铅材质 藏级品相
~ 这一期牌是龙坡喷师傅一期非常值得收藏和佩戴牌之一。倒铜罐摸前,所有铅片都很给不同大师加持和写上符咒,总共集齐108个符咒。Phor Than Keaw Wat RongBoon 大师当时是最好一位写上符咒的大师,写符咒后师傅连续加持7个星期六和7个星期二后圆满完成。完成倒铜罐摸后分别在三场大法会加持,多名大师参与加持法会。完成最后一场大法会后。龙坡喷师傅亲自再加持很多天才让信徒结缘。据资料龙坡喷Phra PhuttaChaiSri 分为两种材质 经粉材质制作8000面,铅材质1000面。市面多见经粉版本。铅材质少见流通,因为铅材质容易受损以至美品是更加可遇不可求。Phra PhuttaChaiSri 属于全功能牌,很多信徒分享灵验事迹关于,避险挡灾,愿望成真,财运亨通,生意起死回生,人际关系改善等等。 
Phra PhuttaChaiSri Lp Perm Wat Klangbangkaew BE 2518
Nur Chin Takua 
Extremely beautiful condition 
Only 1000pcs were produced
~ This batch of Phra PhuttaChaiSri are one of the best creation By Lp Perm, before the smelting and casting process, all the raw Takua plate will be blessed and incribe with Yant by different master, a total of 108 yant scripture to be collected, the final scripture were written by Phor Than Keaw of Wat RongBoon and blessed for 7 Saturday and 7 Tuesday before completing the process. All this Takua Plate were later use to create this batch of Phra PhuttaChaiSri. A total of 3 major Blessing ceremony attended by many top Geji's from all over Thailand after the final Ceremony. LP Perm blessed the Phra Phutta ChaiSri again Personally for many days before distribution. This batch of Phra PhuttaChaiSri can be categorise into two different material, Nur Pong created 8000pcs and Nur Chin Takua 1000pcs. Its hard to come by a pc of Nur Chin Takua even harder ro come across such beautiful condition. Numerous good feedback from wearer devotees. Best for Fullfill one wish come true, Wealth and fortune, improving relationship, Avoiding misfortune and mishaps. 

For more information kindly contact us 
Not available 

帕必达纳画考憋光招坤碰原庙佛历2509年 Phra Pidta Nak Hwa Kao Pid Kwang By Ck Pon Wat Nang BE 2509


铅材质 后有师傅手写符


~招坤碰师傅师承于龙坡炎(全泰5大自身,5大必达,5大帕财) 瓦朗(Wat Nang) 尽得师傅真传,所制作的必达,帕财除外形设计接近外都按照恩师的正统传承制作。


Phra Pidta Nak Hwa Kao Pid Kwang By Ck Pon Wat Nang BE 2509

Nur Chin Takua back with Hand written yant. 

Extremely beautiful condition 

Ck Pon direct disciple of the Legendary Lp Yiam Wat Nang ( Top 5 Rian, Top 5 Pidta, Top 5 Phra Chai ), mastered the skill of creating Efficacious sacred object and amulets. This batch of pidta mix with lots of Takua Plate and Takrut left over by Lp Yiam. After Major Blessing ceremony of this batch of pidta, Ck Pon bring all the pidta to his monk house and continuously blessed for another 27 days before distribution. 

For more information kindly contact us 

Not available 

三菱帕必达龙普添瓦拉罕莱佛历2514年 Phra Pidta Roon Mitsubishi Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai BE 2514

三菱帕必达龙普添瓦拉罕莱佛历2514年 经粉派古慢材质 藏级品相
~ 据记载,这一期必达是又Koon Niwat (罗勇俯三菱代理) 报效制作顶礼恩师龙普添。龙普添师傅亲自把圣发和一份派古慢粉给Koon Niwat用于作为这一期必达的原料也混合了大师周冠罗的圣粉。大约只制作了1500面左右,数量稀少。
~ 龙普添亲自加持这一期必达长达一年又两个月。部分必达又师傅于瓦拉罕莱分发给前来捐助庙宇的信徒,另一部分给瓦考班噻春武里庙主持筹款分发,剩下的又Koon Niwat保留下来。所有必达在短时间内全数被恭请完毕, 由于很多信徒佩戴后都有很好的经验,欲求一面必达的信徒越来越多可是庙宇已没有了。有些信徒得知Koon Niwat有保留部分必达后都去找Koon Niwat要求结缘这一期必达,消息传开后来求的信徒越来越多变成僧多粥少的局面,Koon Niwat送僧了部分必达后决定把剩下的必达留为纪念和前来购买三菱气车顾客的都会给一面必达,这也是后期被信徒称为三菱必达的来由。 很多龙普添图鉴都有介绍。大小形比赛经常会有这一期必达的比赛项目。
Phra Pidta Roon Mitsubishi Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai BE 2514
Nur Pong Pasom Pong Praikuman and Lp Tim's hair 
Certified Authentic By Thaprachan-mag 
With Open-able Silver Casing
~ According to information This Batch Of Pidta were fund By Koon Niwat Dealer of Mitsubishi in Rayong, to pay respect to his master the Legendary Lp Tim of Wat Lahanrai, Mixture of various powder from Chao Kun Nor and small bottle of Pong Praikuman together with Lp Tim's hairs were given by Lp Tim himself to be mixed into this batch of Pidta. Approximately OF 1500pcs only were produced.
~Lp Tim Blessed this batch Of Pidta for 1 year and two months long before it was ready for distribution, a portion of the Pidta were to be distributed by Lp Tim at Wat Lanhanrai and the abbot of Wat Khao Bangsai at Chonburi. The rest are kept by Koon Niwat. 
Due to numerous good feedback and small quantity, This batch of pidta were fully distributed at both Wat Lahanrai and Wat Khao Bangsai in a short period of time, devotees have to look for Koon Niwat for this Pidta, after given out part of what left, Koon Niwat decided to keep the rest for himself and whoever bought a Mitsubishi vehicle form his shop will entitled 1 Phra Pidta, since then this batch of Pidta refer as Phra Pidta Mitsu or Mitsubishi. Very popular among Rayong and Chonburi devotees during the old times and it is popular all over Thailand and Overseas now.
For more information kindly contact us 
Not available anymore Thank you