Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Phra Somdej Naprok Lp Perm Wat Klangbangkaew BE 2504 ~26 

Phra Somdej Naprok Lp Perm Wat Klangbangkaew BE 2504 ~26 
Nur Kaminsek Jindamanee 
Excellent condition 
Certified Authentic By Thaprachan 

~This batch of Naprok were created around BE 2504, all the Powder Kaminsek will be blessed and store in a Jar by Lp Boon on a daily basis and pass down to Lp Perm including Pong Jindamanee, Lp Perm followed the Techinc to create Pong Kaminsek from Lp Boon, all Pong Kaminsek will be blessed and stored in a Jar on a daily basis as his holiness Teacher Lp Boon, on BE 2504 all the Jar were full and Lp Perm decided to create this batch of Phra Pong / Wahn Kaminsek only will be distribute after Lp Perm Passed away On BE 2526. The longest blessing Batch of Amulets by Lp Perm Approx 21yrs on continously blessing. Best of the best. 
Mass Mixture of 
~ Lp Boon Kaminsek 
~ Lp Boon Jindamanee
~ Lp Boon Pong Phuttakun 
~ Lp Perm Kaminsek 
~ Lp Perm Jindamanee 
~ Pong Wat Rahkang ( Somdej Toh )
~ Pong PongSuphan ( Kru ) And many more. 

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Friday, July 9, 2021

Tao Wey SuWan Roon Raek Phor Than Prom Wat PhlaNuPaap BE 2553 第一期鬼王道威素弯龙坡碰原庙佛历2553年

Tao Wey SuWan Roon Raek Phor Than Prom Wat PhlaNuPaap BE 2553 
Special Running Number 5115 
Nur Chanuan 
Mixture of more than 100 various old amulets, powder from Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai, Phra Leela Powder Lp Hok, Lp Jerm Wat Hoirak PraiSamut, Lp Parn Wat BangNomkho powder, Wahn Ac Tim 2497, Lp Thuad Taolit metal from Ac Tim Wat Changhai and many more. 
合金材质 混合大量圣料 
藏级品相 美号 5115 
混入大量圣料师傅早年收集的老牌, 经粉,药草等等,有龙普添,龙坡班,阿赞添,龙坡hok, 龙坡Jerm 等等大师的圣粉,瓦苍海2505龙坡托,龙坡托自身牌,龙坡托2497等等珍贵材料。师傅为了筹款修建庙宇筹款而制作。不止用料好意义功德都非常好的一期牌。 

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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Phra Pidta JaekMaeKrua Sorng Na Mai DtakPit Mai Chup Rak Lp ThongSuk Wat Sapansoong BE 2495

Phra Pidta JaekMaeKrua Sorng Na Mai DtakPit Mai Chup Rak Lp ThongSuk Wat Sapansoong BE 2495 ~15 
Excellent condition 
 Certified Authentic By SamakomPhra 
 ~This Phra Pidta usually differentiate in regular single face, and special two face version as translated , basically without rak or the dark lacquer alike covered like most of Lp ThongSuk Pidta, created and blessed by Lp ThongSuk Throughout BE 2495, whats so special of the one sharing not only two face/side compared to the regular single side version also this is the uncut Rim version as well. The side rim of this Phra Pidta were still intact as it is, which is very rare to come by such a beautiful condition. Affordable range with excellent value for wearing and collection. 


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Rian Lor Phra Chinnaraj Phim Khao Lp Ngern Wat Donyaihom BE 2517 

Rian Lor Phra Chinnaraj Phim Khao Lp Ngern Wat Donyaihom BE 2517 
Nur Loha Pasom 
Excellent condition 
Certified Authentic by Thaprachan Mag 
~ Rian Lor Chinnaraj ancient casting method, blessed by Lp Ngern On BE 2516 kept to distribute later around BE 2517 for devotees who donate for the restoration work of Wat Donyaihom. This batch of Rian lor Chinnaraj is one of the Pasobkhan Batch ( Miracle batch) by Lp Ngern. 
The price of 1st batch Rian Lor Chinnaraj BE 248x is now so steep, and can easily fetch up to 100k and even higher for beautiful and niyom one. But for the following Photo pc, the price are much more affordable, roughly from few thousands to 10k bath++ 

合金材质 藏级品相 
~这一期采用和第一期版制作模式一样旧式倒铜制作。师傅加持制作于佛历2516年后直至2517年才分发给为建造修建庙宇捐款的信徒。师傅其中之一的奇迹牌。目前师傅第一期成功佛248x年的价钱已经很贵,大约10多万泰铢,美品贵版更高价。相比图中上这一期价位亲民很多,大约数千之万多泰铢起跳视品相而定。同一设计,制作方法和同样是师傅亲自加持的成功佛 绝对经典绝对值得收藏佩戴。 

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Not available anymore 


Monday, July 5, 2021

1st Batch Takrut Tone Sorng LukSakot Lp Chaem Wat Donyaihom BE 2525 

1st Batch Takrut Tone Sorng LukSakot Lp Chaem Wat Donyaihom BE 2525 
Excellent condition 
Thaprachan Verified Authentic 
Approx 13cm and 3cm LukSakot 
~Holy threaded Takrut Tone and Takua LukSakot stamp with temple code, Good for all purposes from Metta Maha Niyom, Maha Amnaj, wealth and fortune, protection from weapon and Fatal accidents, Avoiding misfortune, no restrictions easy to use, can just wear around your waist, put inside your bag, car, home altar or business premises. One can also wear just the Takrut or LukSakot as many reseller rent them out separately. LP Chaem / Champ Of Wat DonYaiHom need no futher intro i believe many Collectors known better. 
第一期符管+路萨葛龙坡Chaem 瓦当雅宏佛历2525年 
藏级品相 塔帕赞验证真品 
符管 大约13cm 路萨葛 大约3cm / 一寸++ 
~师傅首期符管配有路萨葛打庙印,一期全功能符管,无论是对人缘,权威,生意买卖,正偏财,提升运气,把坏变成好,护身,避险挡灾都可以。也非常简单佩戴没有特别禁忌,可以棒在腰间,放在裤袋,包包,车上,神抬供奉,做生意的地方,店面,或出门见客,谈判,出门入住酒店等等都适合。 Lp Chaem Wat Donyaihom 师傅相信不需要多介绍,师傅灵验事迹非常多随便谷歌搜索就看到很多分享。 

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Not available anymore 

Rian SapSin Roon Tun Klao Blok Wat Lp Waen Wat Doi Mae Pang BE 2519 

Rian SapSin Roon Tun Klao Blok Wat Lp Waen Wat Doi Mae Pang BE 2519 
Nur TongDaeng Phew Fai 
Extremely beautiful condition Limited to 3000pcs only 
红铜材质 火红皮 

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Early batch Phra Rahu Kae Gala (Yuk Ton) Pair Of Sun and Moon by Kruba Lert Wat TongManTay 

Early batch Phra Rahu Kae Gala (Yuk Ton) Pair Of Sun and Moon by Kruba Lert Wat TongManTay ( Koo NyukYong GrakDtai) 
Nur Gala Dta Diew 
Certified Authentic by Thaprachan Mag 
~Yuk Ton ( Early batches ) Rahu by Kruba Lert. Kruba Lert master the skill of creating Original Lanna Rahu from the Legendary Kruba NanTa known as the Number 1 Lanna Rahu of Thailand also the Master to Lp Nai Wat Srisatong Top 1 Rahu. Kruba Lert take care of The master during his holiness old age, the scripture consist of the spell of creating Rahu and others lanna sacred object were hand over by Kruba NanTa to Kruba Lert. Almost all Gala Rahu By Kruba Lert were handcraft especially early batches Each Rahu were craft and written spell character by Kruba Lert himself and continuously blessed for at least 1 solar and 1 lunar eclipsed to enhanced the effectiveness before distributes to devotees. Kruba Lert appointed as the Abbot of Wat TungManTay Between year BE 2533~35 till his holiness passed away. Genuine Lanna Rahu Gala By Kruba Nanta price are now very steep, can easily cost 100k bath to few hundred thousand bath. But for genuine Lanna Rahu By Kruba Lert with same characteristics same creating technique and spell which inherited from Kruba NanTa are much more affordable. In Thai culture believe that wearing or worshipping Rahu promote happiness, enhanced luck and fortune, overcome obstacles, repel enemies and backstabbers.
Note: Kruba NanTa also the Teacher of Lp Noi Wat Srisatong the Top 1 Rahu Master. 

拉胡吞食日月古巴乐早期作品原庙 佛历2537 
~早期手工雕单眼椰壳拉胡, 正统兰呐拉胡一般都是一对,一面代标日食,另一面代表月食。 古巴乐师承于有全泰第一兰呐冠兰拉胡大师古巴南达。古巴南达也是全泰第一拉胡龙坡耐的师傅。据资料古巴南达年老时都是古巴乐侍奉照顾,古巴南达把毕生真传和祖传经书记录古法正统兰呐拉胡和其他圣物制作,经文符咒的经书传授于古巴乐。古巴乐会按照传统兰呐古法制作拉胡,选用稀有的单眼椰壳或是无眼椰壳,古巴乐师傅的椰雕拉胡大部分都是手工雕刻尤其是早期作品皆是师傅亲自雕刻和写上经文及连续不断加持最少经过一个日食和月食以增强拉胡的效果才让信徒结缘,也显的格外珍贵和特别。古巴乐大约2533年之35年间接任Wat TungManTay 主持直至圆寂。真品古巴南达拉胡现在都是十万到数十万泰铢不等起跳,相比古巴乐正统传承制作拉胡现在还是相当亲民 ~如果你事业停济不前,工作多是非,运气不好,财运欠佳,恭请佩戴拉胡是很好的选择。有吞食是非,驱赶小人和敌人,提升运气,转运,提升财运,正偏财,保平安。 

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