Sunday, June 21, 2020

MitMor Baga Salika Lp Pern Wat BangPhra BE 2536~37 牙雕合金笔灭魔法刀龙坡本原庙佛历2536~37年间

MitMor Baga Salika Lp Pern Wat BangPhra BE 2536~37
Nur Loha Nga Chang
Handwritten yant by the master 
Certified Authentic by Thaprachan mag 
Approx 2.5 inches 
全长大约2.5寸 ( 方便佩戴) 

For more information kindly contact us
Not available 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Rian Rachkan Thi IV Lp Niam Wat Noi Suphanburi BE 2433 ( C.E 1890) 四世王朝锡币牌龙坡念瓦奈佛历2433(公元1890年)

Rian Rachkan Thi IV Lp Niam Wat Noi Suphanburi BE 2433 ( C.E 1890) 
Nur DreeBuk ( Ancient Lead )
Approximately 3cm diameter without Gold Case
Certified Authentic by SamakomPhra 
➡️LP Niam crown the number 1 master of suphanburi during his era, devotees refer the master as Thep PhaChao Suphanburi the Arahant ( God )of Suphanburi, his holiness sacred object and medical wicha are very popular and has numerous wonderful experience by Devotees, they believes sacred object by Lp Niam are extremely powerful that cover all aspects, In Thai Legend saying who ever wearing Lp Niam sacred object will not shed a drop of blood. Lp Parn of Wat BangNomKo and Lp Nong Of Wat KlongMadan direct disciple of Lp Niam, Lp Parn Wat BangNomKo dont have to intro, Lp Nong Wat KlongMadan master of many top Gurus such as Lp Sud Wat Paknam, Lp Toh Wat Pradoochimplee. 
Lp Niam Passed away on BE 2453
Note: According to information Lp Niam disciple of the Legendary Somdej Toh. 
古代锡材质( 愿皮没修补洗净) 
➡️据资料龙坡念师承于帕普赞多瓦拉康,当时被称为Suphanburi第一神僧(当地人称师傅Thep PhaChao Suphanburi) 神迹显赫,无论圣物,医疗,都非常厉害。神兽嵩笛第一龙坡班,Lp Kong Wat KlongMadan圣僧也是师承龙坡念。再泰国有道说反佩戴龙坡念师傅圣物不会枉流一滴血. 师傅事迹实在太多没能一一译,时间容许会逐一加上
备注: 据资料龙坡念师承于嵩笛多瓦拉康

For more information of this collection kindly contact us
Not available

Phra Pidta Maha Ut Roon 2 Lp Champ Wat Wat Donyaihom

Phra Pidta Maha Ut Roon 2 Lp Champ Wat Wat Donyaihom
Nur Rae 
Major Competition 4th Certificate ready 
Lp Champ are one of the most respected master of Nakonpathom, sacred object created and blessed by Lp Cham are not only good for safety and protection, very good for metta mahaniyom, mahalap, improving luck, wealth and prosperities as well, devotees has many wonderful experience wearing sacred object and blessing from Lp Cham, accoording to information devotees child safe from drowning, another case survive tiger attack with just minor scratches, farmer obtain crop seeds blessed by Lp Cham and had a bumper harvest, fatal accident survive unharm, business blooming miraculously from bad, promotion and pay raise etc and many many more.
二期必达马哈唔6手龙坡Cham 瓦当雅宏

For more information on this collection kindly contact us

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Pong Chang Pasom Kloang By Ajahn Chum Chaikiri BE 2519~2524

Pong Chang Pasom Kloang By Ajahn Chum Chaikiri BE 2519~2524
Nur Pong Pasom 
Ori Bottle Approx 3.8cm x 1.2cm diameter 
CertifiedAuthentic By Thaprachan-Mag~Pong Chang Pasom Kloang also known as Elephant Breeding Powder created and consecrated By Ajahn Chum around BE 2524 very good for Metta Maha niyom, Metta Mahasaneh, Business and trading, stop an argument or fighting, promote harmonious, making people pay more attention to you, like you, willing to help you more also good for family, spouse, and partner relationship etc
Consist of 
- Pong Ittije
- Pong Na PathaMung
- Pong Yant KamNerd all this powder are best for Metta Maha niyom and Metta maha Saneh
- Pong Chang Pasom Kloang ( Male )
- Pong Chang Pasom Kloang ( Female )
Note: For normal usage like Business, trading and metta purpose just carry along the bottle of powder good enough, no need open or use the powder. According To Ajahn Chum Master, if one use the powder and granted the wishes especially for opposite sex wishes, must be responsible for the other half or else one will be curse.


- Pong 一提界
- Pong 哪啪嗒蒙
- Pong 印 Kam Nerd
- 雄性大象粉
- 雌性大象粉

备注: 据说如果只是用于一般生意买卖,人缘,只需佩戴而不必开管用粉也就可以了。师傅曾叮嘱信徒不能用于不正当的男女关系,若用此粉而得到异性欢心,双方必须对于负责任,否则会被咀咒。

Credit to the Original Author 
Not available 

Rian Lp Yai Reun Samanasak CK Maha Surasak Wat Pradoo BE 2552

Rian Lp Yai Reun Samanasak CK Maha Surasak Wat Pradoo BE 2552
Nur Alpaka
Excellent condtion with Original Temple box
Silver Longya Case done ready to wear.

For more information kindly contact us

爱凯 Locket AiKai Kumanthep Wat Jedi ( Chedi ) BE 2563

Locket AiKai Kumanthep Wat Jedi ( Chedi ) BE 2563
New With temple Box
Major Ceremony At Wat Chedi, Wat Khao Or , very good for wearing or Collection.
For More information kinldy contact us