Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Phra Hanuman GaiYaaSit Roon Raek Lp Kong Wat Wangsapparos BE 2529 ✔

Phra Hanuman GaiYaaSit Roon Raek Lp Kong Wat Wangsapparos BE 2529 ✔
Nur Pong Pasom + Takrut MahaSaneh✔
Thaprachan Certified Authentic ✔
Thick 80++ Gold Casing ✔

1st Batch Magical Hanuman GaiYaaSit created by Lp Kong, extremely good For Maha Saneh, Kongkapan, KeawKlad and Good fortune. Each inserted with Lp Kong Handwritten Takrut Maha Saneh. Pasobkan Batch ( Miracle experienced batch) Many good and wonderful experience shared among wearers devotees. ✔

Mixture of :~
- LP special Prai Kuman Powder
- Prai Kuman LP Tim Wat Lahanrai 
- Powder LP Ngern Wat Donyaihom 
- Powder Lp Kasem Wat Susantailuck 
- Powder Lp Wong Wat Banakai
- Powder Lp Tong Yoo Wat TaoSao
- Powder Lp Seng Wat BangNa 
- Powder Phra Chamrut grind powder of Broken ground amulets and Buchas Wat SamPluem, Wat WiWeyk ✔

Mixture of Herbs Wahn : ~ 
- Wahn Kongkrapan 
- Wahn Hanuman NangTaen 
- Wahn Hanuman Yok Taap (Leadership)
- Wahn Hanuman Ok Seuk ( Victory)
- Wahn GraBuek Kon Seur 🐯 
- Wahn ToRaHot ( Agility ) 
- Wahn Pet Grap (Push back misfortune)
- Wahn SamParn Dteung 
- Wahn PraiDam 
- Wahn Pet Leek ( opportunity) ✔
Mixture of Metta Mahaniyom Metta Maha Saneh :~ 
- Wahn Sao Long
- Wahn Din Sor Lersi
- Wahn Tao Kreu Long
- Wahn Tao Wan Long
- Wahn Saneh Jaan MahaPo
- Wahn Saneh Jaan Kao
- Wahn Saneh Jaan Tong
- Wahn Saneh Jaan Keaw
- Wahn Saneh Jaan Daeng✔

For more information kindly contact us

一期坤评派古慢龙坡萨空 佛历2530 Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman Roon raek By Lp Sakorn Wat Nongkrap BE 2530

一期坤评派古慢龙坡萨空 佛历2530
经粉材质 铜符管✔
包好厚真金壳 ✔

Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman Roon raek By Lp Sakorn Wat Nongkrap BE 2530
Nur Pong Pasom Pong Prai Kuman + 1 Copper Takrut
Extremly Beautiful Condition
Thaprachan Verified Authentic ( Card ready )
Thick Gold Casing (90)
According to Record Both with Gold paint and without are the same amount, but exact amount very, without gold paint were lesser in quantity and more Niyom among collectors, due to easy to identify if any alteration or broken can be easily seen furthermore remain Original as since. 

For more information kindly contact us
Not available 

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550 人缘招财避险全功能符管龙婆萨空佛历2550年原庙版 TKR

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550
Nur Takua Inserted with Praikuman and sacred powder closed with Tiancai ( Ceremony Candle wax )
Original Unworn with temple Box
This batch of Takrut feature in Lp Sakorn Sacred Object, following the method from Lp Tim Of Wat Lahanrai, furthermore Lp sakorn enhance the takrut with more than 30 magic yant scripture for Metta and Fortune. Continuously consecrated for 9 days and night till Sao Ha Day By Lp Sakorn.
Note: Hand Write yant not Pump Highly Recommended for Collections or wearing.

For More Information Kindly contact us

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550 人缘招财避险全功能符管龙婆萨空佛历2550年原庙版 TKG

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550
Nur Takua Inserted with Praikuman and sacred powder closed with Tiancai ( Ceremony Candle wax )
Original Unworn with temple Box
This batch of Takrut feature in Lp Sakorn Sacred Object, following the method from Lp Tim Of Wat Lahanrai, furthermore Lp sakorn enhance the takrut with more than 30 magic yant scripture for Metta and Fortune. Continuously consecrated for 9 days and night till Sao Ha Day By Lp Sakorn.
Note: Hand Write yant not Pump Highly Recommended for Collections or wearing.

For More Information Kindly contact us

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550 人缘招财避险全功能符管龙婆萨空佛历2550年原庙版

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550
Nur Takua Inserted with Praikuman and sacred powder closed with Tiancai ( Ceremony Candle wax )
Original Unworn with temple Box
This batch of Takrut feature in Lp Sakorn Sacred Object, following the method from Lp Tim Of Wat Lahanrai, furthermore Lp sakorn enhance the takrut with more than 30 magic yant scripture for Metta and Fortune. Continuously consecrated for 9 days and night till Sao Ha Day By Lp Sakorn.
Note: Hand Write yant not Pump Highly Recommended for Collections or wearing.

For More Information Kindly contact us

Phra Khun Paen SaPaaiDap Phim Thor Niyom Sud Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2505

Phra Khun Paen SaPaaiDap Phim Thor Niyom Sud Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2505
Nur Pong Bailan Pasom Si Perng Keaw
Excellent condition ✔
Thaprachan Certified Authentic ✔
~Lp Taap Blessed this batch of Khun Paen for a long 3 months, 2nd major ceremony many top gejis such as Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai,  Lp Lard Wat NongGraBok, Lp Keaw, Lp Hom etc
Ceremony which start approx 6pm and last till 2am the next day,  Lp Tim continuously Blessed this Batch of Khun Paen non stop for more than 8 hours During the Ceremony. One of the best Khun Paen By Lp Taap .
🔥Note: Copy work or fake circling around the market now, similarity up to 90% Collectors must take extra precautions 🔥
带刀坤评阔版本(贵模) 龙普塔 佛历2505年
号称全泰第一人缘膏的美誉龙普塔师傅亲自加持长达3个月,后再举办大法会多名大师亲临加持,当然少不了师傅好友龙普添,据说法会从大约6PM开始直接凌晨2时才结束,法会龙普添连续加持长达8个小时中间没有休息甚至喝水。参与大师有LP Lard Wat NongGraBok, Lp Keaw  Lp Hom Wat Chamak , 等等 坤评是师傅一期最受欢迎的圣物佛牌。
🔥备注: 复刻版大量进涌入市场,相似接近90%,藏家需要多加注意🔥

For more information kindly contact us 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Phra Khun Paen SaPaaiDap Roon Raek Phim Dtor Niyom Lp Taap BE 2505 龙普塔 带刀坤评佛历2505

Phra Khun Paen SaPaaiDap Phim Thor Niyom Sud Lp Taap Wat GraBuek Kuenperng BE 2505
Nur Pong Bailan Pasom Si Perng Keaw
Excellent condition ✔
Thaprachan Certified Authentic ✔
~Lp Taap Blessed this batch of Khun Paen for a long 3 months, 2nd major ceremony many top gejis such as Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai,  Lp Lard Wat NongGraBok, Lp Keaw, Lp Hom etc
Ceremony which start approx 6pm and last till 2am the next day,  Lp Tim continuously Blessed this Batch of Khun Paen non stop for more than 8 hours During the Ceremony. One of the best Khun Paen By Lp Taap .
🔥Note: Copy work or fake circling around the market now, similarity up to 90% Collectors must take extra precautions 🔥
带刀坤评阔版本(贵模) 龙普塔 佛历2505年
号称全泰第一人缘膏的美誉龙普塔师傅亲自加持长达3个月,后再举办大法会多名大师亲临加持,当然少不了师傅好友龙普添,据说法会从大约6PM开始直接凌晨2时才结束,法会龙普添连续加持长达8个小时中间没有休息甚至喝水。参与大师有LP Lard Wat NongGraBok, Lp Keaw  Lp Hom Wat Chamak , 等等 坤评是师傅一期最受欢迎的圣物佛牌。
🔥备注: 复刻版大量进涌入市场,相似接近90%,藏家需要多加注意🔥

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Early Batch Takrut MaeNangPhim By Lp Up Of Wat TongSai BE2535 ~ BE 2540s

Early Batch Takrut MaeNangPhim By Lp Up Of Wat TongSai BE2535 ~ BE 2540s
Nur Takua
Approx 7.5cm Without Case
Excellent condition
Custom Tube Case 

The Above Takrut MaenangpHim Make and Consecrated by Lp Up Himself, yant craft By Lp Up, This early batch of takrut very good for Wish come true, Business, Metta Maha Niyom, Metta maha Saneh, Windfall Luck, KongKapan, kaewklad, very Efficacious all rounder takrut. Many Devotees experienced wonderful incident,one of the reason that Lp Up Takrut are one of the most sought after sacred object by Lp UP. To make a wish kindly recite the Kathat to activate or call upon Mae Nang Phim for guidance and help. If one wishes were granted kindly offer Rice wine for Mae Nang Phim. Result vary from person to person.

Usage and Katha will be provided after 

老婆UP 符管早期制作大约佛历2535年之佛历2540年间

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

人缘招财避险全功能符管龙婆萨空佛历2550年原庙版 Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550
Nur Takua Inserted with Praikuman and sacred powder closed with Tiancai ( Ceremony Candle wax )
Original Unworn with temple Box
This batch of Takrut feature in Lp Sakorn Sacred Object, following the method from Lp Tim Of Wat Lahanrai, furthermore Lp sakorn enhance the takrut with more than 30 magic yant scripture for Metta and Fortune. Continuously consecrated for 9 days and night till Sao Ha Day By Lp Sakorn.
Note: Hand Write yant not Pump  Highly Recommended for Collections or wearing.


For More In formation Kindly contact us

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550 人缘招财避险全功能符管龙婆萨空佛历2550年原庙版

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550
Nur Takua Inserted with Praikuman and sacred powder closed with Tiancai ( Ceremony Candle wax )
Original Unworn with temple Box
This batch of Takrut feature in Lp Sakorn Sacred Object, following the method from Lp Tim Of Wat Lahanrai, furthermore Lp sakorn enhance the takrut with more than 30 magic yant scripture for Metta and Fortune. Continuously consecrated for 9 days and night till Sao Ha Day By Lp Sakorn.
Note: Hand Write yant not Pump  Highly Recommended for Collections or wearing.


For more information Kindly contact us

Monday, November 11, 2019

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550 人缘招财避险全功能符管龙婆萨空佛历2550年原庙版

Takrut Maha Chatri By Lp Sakorn BE 2550
Nur Takua Inserted with Praikuman and sacred powder closed with Tiancai ( Ceremony Candle wax )
Original Unworn with temple Box
This batch of Takrut feature in Lp Sakorn Sacred Object, following the method from Lp Tim Of Wat Lahanrai, furthermore Lp sakorn enhance the takrut with more than 30 magic yant scripture for Metta and Fortune. Continuously consecrated for 9 days and night till Sao Ha Day By Lp Sakorn.
Note: Hand Write yant not Pump  Highly Recommended for Collections or wearing.


Phra Somdej Sum Rahkang Phim Yai Niyom By Lp Nak Of Wat Rahkang BE 2500 嵩笛钟形大模受欢迎版本 龙普纳 拉康佛寺 佛历2500年

Phra Somdej Sum Rahkang Phim Yai Niyom By Lp Nak Of Wat Rahkang BE 2500
Nur Pong Pasom Fang takrut
Done with Thick 80 gold casing
Approx 5cm x 3.5cm inc casing
~ Certified Authentic By Thaprachan
   ( Card Ready )
~Mixture of Pong Somdej Wat Rahkang and base inserted with takrut.
It is Well known and officially accepted that Lp Nak The late abbot of Wat Rahkang collected alot of broken ground somdej toh Somdej and the holy powder left over by The master. Lp Nak Somdej were mixed alot of the powder, Thats one of the reason why Lp Nak Somdej were so efficacious and highly respected and sough after also Lp Nak high wicha and dhamma Practice of course. 
One who is wearing this Somdej just like he is wearing Somdej Toh Somdej as its mixed with the same powder, Its a smart choice and Best Substitution of Multi Million Somdej Wat Rahkang.

嵩笛钟形大模受欢迎版本 龙普纳 拉康佛寺 佛历2500年
( 大量阿赞多嵩笛粉)
连壳大约 5cm x 3.5cm

For More information kindly contact us

Thursday, November 7, 2019

DokJamPee By Lp Sodh Wat PakNam BE 2493~99 牙调百兰花龙坡术百揽佛寺佛历2493~99

DokJamPee By Lp Sodh Wat PakNam BE 2493~99
Nur Ngaa
Thaprachan Certified Authentic ( card Ready )
Waterproof Gold Casing Ready to wear
Approx 4.5cm With Case

Blessed by Lp Sodh together with 1st batch Phra Pong KongKwan or better known as Pak Nam 1st batch and distributed in between BE 2493 to BE2499.
According to information devotees who came to contribute and donate will be given only 1 Pak Nam Phra regardless how big the amount or who's the donor, they will never be given more than one. For DokJamPee where only distribute to temple volunteer helpers or Staff only not for public, which is rare and only a small amount were produced. 
For a decent pc of Pak Nam Phra will easily cost you 100k bath, while DokJamPee which were the same batch are much more affordable approx half of the PakNam phra Market value, but this does not effect the Efficacious or the Collecting Values instead even harder to come by a decent pc. Basically categorized into two different materials Ngaa and horn.

包好泰国80真金壳 大约4.5cm

师傅和第一期百揽佛一同制作加持,约于佛历 2493间,分发于2493年之2499年间。
当年前来捐款的信徒师傅都会给一面百揽佛,只是一面无论数目多大也是一面绝不会多给也不会因为你是特别人士多给,百揽花就比较特别只分送于庙里的工作人员格外难求,数量稀少。多年来流通量也不多, 相对现在的价格越来越高的百揽佛,百揽花杆显然来得更加稀有难求,但是价格比同期的百揽佛来的较为平实,收藏价值绝不低于百揽佛。主要分为牙调和角调材质,有大小版本,图中属于大版。对于功效方面和同期百揽佛大致上没什么差别。百揽花杆特强于人缘魅力,财运。

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Not Available

小金佛(跪拜版)大漠 四世皇朝佛历2394 PhraRattanaKosin Phra PhutaRod Phim Akara ( Phim Yai) Rattanakosin Ror 4 BE 2394

PhraRattanaKosin Phra PhutaRod Phim Akara ( Phim Yai) Rattanakosin Ror 4 BE 2394 
Nur Tong Pasom Thaprachan Certified Authentic ( Card Ready )
Photo Pc known as Kneel Down Worshiping Phim also one of the Most Popular and expensive Phim 
Antique Phra Cut out from The Huge Buchas Than, mixture of Many gold and Jewellerys donated & sponsor by the Royals. Major ceremony lead by the King Rama 4 and Somdej Phra PhutAjan Toh Of Wat Rahkang and many top Gejis Master of the King Rama 4 Era. Phra Phutarod Rattanakosin were recorded and Officially recognized by the Two most reputable Amulets association Verification and certification SamakomPhra and Thaprachan in Thailand 
小金佛(跪拜版)大漠 四世皇朝佛历2394 
获得权威机构塔帕赞验证真品 (带卡) 
分割于大佛佛桌如图中大佛,加入大量珠宝和金由皇族奉献捐赠,大法会由四十皇和嵩笛多带领。多名当代大师一起加持空前绝后的法会。小金佛已经纳入泰国最有公信力的两大权威机构验证项目 SamakomPhra 和 Thaprachan。 

Note: Copy work are circling around the market collectors must take extra precautions, 

For More information kindly contact us 

Friday, November 1, 2019

PhraRattanaKosin Phra PhutaRod Rattanakosin Ror 4 BE 2394 小金佛四世皇朝 佛历2394

*** New Arrival ***
PhraRattanaKosin Phra PhutaRod Rattanakosin Ror 4 BE 2394 
Nur Tong Pasom Thaprachan Certified Authentic ( Card Ready ) Antique Phra Cut out from The Huge Buchas Than, mixture of Many gold and Jewellerys donated & sponsor by the Royals. Major ceremony lead by the King Rama 4 and Somdej Phra PhutAjan Toh Of Wat Rahkang and many top Gejis Master of the King Rama 4 Era. Phra Phutarod Rattanakosin were recorded and Officially recognized by the Two most reputable Amulets association Verification and certification SamakomPhra and Thaprachan in Thailand 
小金佛四世皇朝 佛历2394 
获得权威机构塔帕赞验证真品 (带卡) 

分割于大佛佛桌如图中大佛,加入大量珠宝和金由皇族奉献捐赠,大法会由四十皇和嵩笛多带领。多名当代大师一起加持空前绝后的法会。小金佛已经纳入泰国最有公信力的两大权威机构验证项目 SamakomPhra 和 Thaprachan。 Note: Copy work are circling around the market collectors must take extra precautions, 备注:复刻版已经流传以市面,藏家需加倍小心