Rare takrut Nang Ser Lp Pern Of Wat BanPhra BE 2541
Excellent condition no pass usage
Approx 6.3cm
虎说是龙破本大师的标记也不为过, 尤其是师傅所制造的虎胜物都很灵验, 奇迹好评不断, 对权威,避险,保平安都很好, 但是很多新手可能不知道其实这虎胜物对人缘招财也非常好。 相信很多人都害怕老虎但是就每个人都喜欢看老虎, 老虎的魅力所在
Takrut NangSer very popular talisman consecrated by Lp Pern, Suer amulets and Talisman are the most sough after for collection or wearing by devotees. Many good feedback from wearer devotees. Very good for Maha Amnaj ( power of authority fears by others) kongkapan and kaewklad, many beginners dint know that Suer By Lp Pern are also very good for Metta Maha niyom and Wealth. Basically every one fear of Suer but everyone like to see one
Sort Version to activate The Tiger spirits
( Gu Ru Su Gu )
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