Kob Keen Duen Kruba Or Samnak Pra Taat Jom Wae
Nur Rae Ngern Yueng with temple box
Also known as Rahoo Om Jan Kon Keen Duen,
Kruba Wrtie down special Kob Sript into Metal Sheet and bless for a long period before smelting process, Kruba Bless this batch of Kob Keen Duean In Mid night moonshine and Mid day Sunshine a long period of time before it is complete and available for distribution. Very good for improving luck, Drawing in wealth and fortune, also many have experience good metta maha niyom and metta maha saneh.
招财蟾又被称为吞日月蟾, 师傅连续加持于午夜时分和中午时段直至圆满才让信徒恭请, 据说对于运气,财气不好有很好的改善效果,也有信徒分享说对人际关系,异性缘都有很好的效果。
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Kob Keen Duen Kruba Or Samnak Pra Taat Jom Wae
Nur Rae Ngern Yueng with temple box
Also known as Rahoo Om Jan Kon Keen Duen,
Kruba Wrtie down special Kob Sript into Metal Sheet and bless for a long period before smelting process, Kruba Bless this batch of Kob Keen Duean In Mid night moonshine and Mid day Sunshine a long period of time before it is complete and available for distribution. Very good for improving luck, Drawing in wealth and fortune, also many have experience good metta maha niyom and metta maha saneh.
招财蟾又被称为吞日月蟾, 师傅连续加持于午夜时分和中午时段直至圆满才让信徒恭请, 据说对于运气,财气不好有很好的改善效果,也有信徒分享说对人际关系,异性缘都有很好的效果。
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Phra Pong Somdej Than Seng Lp Toh Of Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2516
Nur Pong Pasom
Excellent condition With Temple Box
Won 1st Placing in recent Bangkok Competition
Material mixed as follow
Pong Ittije By Lp Toh
Pong ittije By Lp Nger and Lp Chaem Wat DonYaiHom
Pong ittije By Lp Yiea Wat BanDaen
Chan Mak Lp Daeng Wat KhaoBanDait
Chan Mak Lp Khao Wat Tham Khon Plaen
Gaesha ( Hairs ) Lp Toh
Gaesha Lp Waen
Gaesha Ajan Fan Acharo
Gaesha Lp Nak Wat Rahkang
Broken Fragment of Wat Rahkang
Broken Fragment of Wat Bangkhunprom
Broken Fragment of Wat Khechaiyo
Broken Fragment of Wat Plub
Flowers and Joss stick of Lp Kasem
Holy Powder Of Ck Nor Wat Thepsirin
Gaesha of more than 108 Geji's Master
Building School funding project for the free education of Children. Very good purpose and good merit batch.
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Phra Pong Roop Mueng Han Kang Lp Toh Of Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2516
Nur Pong Pasom
Excellent condition and thick
Won 1st Placing in recent Bangkok Competition
Material mixed as follow
Pong Ittije By Lp Toh
Pong ittije By Lp Nger and Lp Chaem Wat DonYaiHom
Pong ittije By Lp Yiea Wat BanDaen
Chan Mak Lp Daeng Wat KhaoBanDait
Chan Mak Lp Khao Wat Tham Khon Plaen
Gaesha ( Hairs ) Lp Toh
Gaesha Lp Waen
Gaesha Ajan Fan Acharo
Gaesha Lp Nak Wat Rahkang
Broken Fragment of Wat Rahkang
Broken Fragment of Wat Bangkhunprom
Broken Fragment of Wat Khechaiyo
Broken Fragment of Wat Plub
Flowers and Joss stick of Lp Kasem
Holy Powder Of Ck Nor Wat Thepsirin
Gaesha of more than 108 Geji's Master
Building School funding project for the free education of Children. Very good purpose and good merit batch.
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Phra Pidta Jumbo Sorng By Lp Toh Of Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2521 ~ Be 2523
Nur Bailan
Excellent condition
Pidta Jumbo Sorng ( Jumbo 2 ) consecrated by Lp Toh On BE 2521 to BE 2523 altogether 3 Trimas, one of the Most sough after Pidta, numerous good feedback and wonderful experienced shared by devotees, the photo pc were in very good condition, complete fingers and toes, yant at back clearly seen, standard thickness, no repair or major damaged, the skin and color may vary pc to pc due mixture and natural redox reaction.
珍宝2经书版,师傅从佛历2521年加持至佛历2523年, 非常受欢迎的必达, 多年奇迹灵验事件不断口碑非常好, 照片中的必达漂亮完整,手指脚趾齐全,没有补过边,厚度适中, 牌的批和颜色会有很多不一, 天然氧化和混合料都会有印象。
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Rian Glom Phim Glang By Lp Toh Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2512
Nur TongDaeng
Excellent condition
Won 2nd placing in recent Bangkok Competition
Rian Roon 3 , Third batch MRian Created By Lp Toh on Sao Ha BE 2512, # different phim were produced, Phim Yai Jikko, Phim Klang The Photo Pc, And Phim Lek, the above Phim Klang maintained in very good condition, the original layer can be clearly seen, very good for wearing or collections purpose.
这期牌也是师傅第三期自身牌分为三个模, 大模Jikko Yai,中模和小模. 照片是中模, 完整没佩戴过, 牌的表层铜很完整
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Phra Phra Than KleepBua Lek By Lp Toh Of Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2521~23
Nur Pong Khesorn takrut silver ( Flower pollen )
Won 4th Placing Recent bangkok Competition
Only 2 Phim Of Phra Prathan KleepBua were created in this batch, Phra Prathan Yai and Lek ( Big and small) Both inserted with 1 Silver takrut, Lp Toh bless this batch of Phra Than for 3 years trima from BE 2521 till BE 2523.
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Phra Somdej Yant India By Lp Toh Of Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2518
Nur Pong Khesorn ( Flower pollen )
Won 2nd Placing Recent bangkok Competition
This Batch Of Somdej Created after Lp Toh Pilgrimage to India Bodhi Gaya Sacred place whereLord Buddha Obtain enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, back with the Famous Pagoda, Sacred sand and earthen base gather from the Sacred site were mixed into this batch of Somdej.
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Naprok Bai Makam ( Bok makam ) Lang Yant Nak By Lp Toh Of Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2521
Nur TongDaeng
Excellent Condition
Size Approx 2.5 cm With Casing
Naprok Bai Makam one of the popular Rian By Lp Toh, highly sough after by collectors and traders, many good feedback, consists of Lang yant Nak and Lang yan tre, gold, silver, Nawa and TongDaeng. Good for Metta, Wealth and fortune, safety and avoiding mishaps.
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Phra Somdej Jan Loy By Lp Toh Of Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2518
Nur Pong Khesorn ( Flower pollen )
Won 2nd Placing Recent bangkok Competition
This Batch Of Somdej JanLoy Same Batch To The Famous Phra Pidta Maha Saneh also known as 5 Trimas ( Blessing consequently for 5 years Dtaimak (Rain Retreat )), Not Only Pong Khesorn were mixed Many sacred powder provided by Wat mai were mixed into this Batch Of amulets, Somdej Prok Po, Somdej JanLoy, Somdej Sam Liam and Pidta Maha Saneh.
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CC1Khun Paen mahalap Chu Chuk Metta Roon Bot Sung By Lp Sin Of Wat Lahanyai BE 2557
Nur Pong takrut Ngern ( With lots of lp Sin hairs)
New unworn with temple Box
This batch Of Phra Khun paen And Chu Chuk Both are very good for metta maha Niyom, Metta maha Saneh, morever Chu Chuk are also best known for Wealth guarding, bring in Fortune, Collecting Wealth and debt.
Not Available
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Khun Paen mahalap Chu Chuk Metta Roon Bot Sung By Lp Sin Of Wat Lahanyai BE 2557
Nur Pong takrut Ngern ( With lots of lp Sin hairs)
New unworn with temple Box
This batch Of Phra Khun paen And Chu Chuk Both are very good for metta maha Niyom, Metta maha Saneh, morever Chu Chuk are also best known for Wealth guarding, bring in Fortune, Collecting Wealth and debt.
Not Available
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Pae Kwai Puek Lp Sin Wat Lahanyai
Nur Kwai Puek ( 白水牛角 )
Unworn With new waterproof Silver casing
Pae crated with Albino Buffalo Horn, Lp Sin the disciple of Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai and Lp Rat Wat Nong GraBok The legendary Goat amulets Maker. Lp Sin mastered the skill of making Efficacious Goat amulets from the above two master. The purpose of this batch of Pae for temple restoration fund, very good merit. Good for Metta Maha Saneh, Metta Maha Niyom, Mahalap and Safety protection of All Kind. Many Good feedback from wearer devotees.
白水牛角雕刻羊, 师傅亲自主持开光加持仪式为庙筹款,是很有意义的收藏。师傅是Lp Tim Wat Lahanyai 和 Lp Rat Wat Nong GraBok( 泰国非常有名声的羊圣物制造师傅) 的得意门生, Lp Sin 得到了以上两位名师的真传, 对于异性缘,人缘,招财,避险保平安非常好。
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Palakid Nur GanLaBangHa By Lp Yit Wat NongJok BE 2536~37
Nur GanLaBangaha
Crafted with a kind of Black sea coral also known as Sea Rattan 黑海藤
LP Yit very famous for making Palakid's Palakid consecrated by Lp Yit will move by itself, recorded video been shared since,
very good for Metta maha Saneh, Maha Niyom, business sales and protection.
雕刻palakid, 采用黑海藤, 泰国相传黑海藤具有挡险辟邪的功效, 制造圣物有如虎添翼。已故龙破一是当代有名的Palakid制造大师,师傅加持palakid时如有生命般动起来。短片广为流传。对人缘异性缘,招财招生意,避险保平安非常好。做生意的可以开们时把palakid敲做生意的桌,也可以放在存生意钱的地方。
Not Available Anymore
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Palakid Nur GanLaBangHa By Lp Yit Wat NongJok BE 2536~37
Nur GanLaBangaha
Crafted with a kind of Black sea coral also known as Sea Rattan 黑海藤
LP Yit very famous for making Palakid's Palakid consecrated by Lp Yit will move by itself, recorded video been shared since,
very good for Metta maha Saneh, Maha Niyom, business sales and protection.
雕刻palakid, 采用黑海藤, 泰国相传黑海藤具有挡险辟邪的功效, 制造圣物有如虎添翼。已故龙破一是当代有名的Palakid制造大师,师傅加持palakid时如有生命般动起来。短片广为流传。对人缘异性缘,招财招生意,避险保平安非常好。做生意的可以开们时把palakid敲做生意的桌,也可以放在存生意钱的地方。
Not Available
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Palakid Nur GanLaBangHa By Lp Yit Wat NongJok BE 2536~37
Nur GanLaBangaha
Crafted with a kind of Black sea coral also known as Sea Rattan 黑海藤
LP Yit very famous for making Palakid's Palakid consecrated by Lp Yit will move by itself, recorded video been shared since,
very good for Metta maha Saneh, Maha Niyom, business sales and protection.
雕刻palakid, 采用黑海藤, 泰国相传黑海藤具有挡险辟邪的功效, 制造圣物有如虎添翼。已故龙破一是当代有名的Palakid制造大师,师傅加持palakid时如有生命般动起来。短片广为流传。对人缘异性缘,招财招生意,避险保平安非常好。做生意的可以开们时把palakid敲做生意的桌,也可以放在存生意钱的地方。
Not Available Anymore
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Pae Kwai Puek Lp Sin Wat Lahanyai
Nur Kwai Puek ( 白水牛角 )
Unworn With new waterproof Silver casing
Pae crated with Albino Buffalo Horn, Lp Sin the disciple of Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai and Lp Rat Wat Nong GraBok The legendary Goat amulets Maker. Lp Sin mastered the skill of making Efficacious Goat amulets from the above two master. The purpose of this batch of Pae for temple restoration fund, very good merit. Good for Metta Maha Saneh, Metta Maha Niyom, Mahalap and Safety protection of All Kind. Many Good feedback from wearer devotees.
白水牛角雕刻羊, 师傅亲自主持开光加持仪式为庙筹款,是很有意义的收藏。师傅是Lp Tim Wat Lahanyai 和 Lp Rat Wat Nong GraBok( 泰国非常有名声的羊圣物制造师傅) 的得意门生, Lp Sin 得到了以上两位名师的真传, 对于异性缘,人缘,招财,避险保平安非常好。
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Pae Kwai Puek Lp Sin Wat Lahanyai
Nur Kwai Puek ( 白水牛角 )
Unworn With new waterproof Silver casing
Pae crated with Albino Buffalo Horn, Lp Sin the disciple of Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai and Lp Rat Wat Nong GraBok The legendary Goat amulets Maker. Lp Sin mastered the skill of making Efficacious Goat amulets from the above two master. The purpose of this batch of Pae for temple restoration fund, very good merit. Good for Metta Maha Saneh, Metta Maha Niyom, Mahalap and Safety protection of All Kind. Many Good feedback from wearer devotees.
白水牛角雕刻羊, 师傅亲自主持开光加持仪式为庙筹款,是很有意义的收藏。师傅是Lp Tim Wat Lahanyai 和 Lp Rat Wat Nong GraBok( 泰国非常有名声的羊圣物制造师傅) 的得意门生, Lp Sin 得到了以上两位名师的真传, 对于异性缘,人缘,招财,避险保平安非常好。
Not Available
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Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman Trimas 51 Phim Yai ( 大模) By Lp Sakorn Wat NongKrap BE 2551
Nur Pong PraiKuman Fang Ploy
Unworn with temple box
( 参入龙普添派古曼粉,宝石)
没佩戴过 五官清晰,鼻子完整
The above batch roon Trimas 51 ( Blessing for 1 rain retreat of 3 months ) also known as Roon Suthai, mixed with Lp Tim Prai Kuman and gems, one of the most sough after Khun Paen By Lp Sakorn, very popular among collectors, many good feedback from wearer devotees.
佛历2551收夏节师傅加持3个月,又称为最后一期Khun Paen Prai Kuman, 是师傅其中一个杰作也是其中一款最受欢迎的坤平,佩戴的信徒都说好,生活上都有明显的改善,对人缘,异性缘,招财,成愿,灵感,避险保平安很好
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Not Available
Pae Loha Roon Raek (1st Batch ) Lp Sin Wat Lahanyai BE 2555
Nur TongDaeng Pong Prai Kuman
Unworn with temple box
Pae Loha (Metal Goat amulets) consecrated by Lp Sin base inserted with Pong Prai Kuman, gems and Lp Sin Jeevon, Lp Sin the disciple of Lp Tim Wat Lahanrai and Lp Rat Wat Nong GraBok The legendary Goat amulets Maker. Lp Sin mastered the skill of making Efficacious Goat amulets from the above two master. The purpose of this batch of Pae for Hospital Funding, very good merit. Good for Metta Maha Saneh, Metta Maha Niyom, Mahalap and Safety protection of All Kind. Many Good feedback from wearer devotees.
第一期金属材料羊, 做于佛历2555年, 师傅亲自主持开光加持仪式为医院筹款,是很有意义的收藏。师傅是Lp Tim Wat Lahanyai 和 Lp Rat Wat Nong GraBok( 泰国非常有名声的羊圣物制造师傅) 的得意门生, Lp Sin 得到了以上两位名师的真传, 对于异性缘,人缘,招财,避险保平安非常好。
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