Original & Beautiful Conditions With New waterproof case
Phim Yai 大摸
Note: Categorise in to two different Phim, Phim Prok Pho and Phim Pidta both with Phim Yai and Phim Lek ( 只制造2个款式 Prok Pho 菩提叶和必达,两个款式都有大小模 ) Many Miracle and wonderful Incident shared by devotees
Phra Prok Pho Pong Prai Samut created by Lp Jerm Of Wat Hoi Rak with Many rare and holy ingredient, mixture of 108 deep sea soil, 108 herbs, 108 of Pha Panang River soil, 108 temple soil, 108 garden soil, 108 soil from crab holes, soil from land that cant plant anything, 108 soil from termites colony, 108 soils from pond, 108 ashes of person who died on saturday cremated on tuesday from 7 different cemeteries, ashes of burnt holy script, a total of more than 700 mass mixtures, it took more than 7 years for Lp Jerm to collect. Lp Jerm bless all the material for 5 year, another 4 years for the Moulding and 4 months to mixed and blend all the materials and creating the Phra Prok Po and Phra Pidta, after Lp Jerm blessed this Batch Of Phra Prok Pho and Pidta for a long 8 years and invited many great geji's to join in now and then before given out to devotees on BE 2496 in between the Blessing and consecration Lp Jerm cast a special spell or katha for more than 10,000 times
在佛历2479(1936年)大师约28岁时为了修葺寺院及帮助穷苦村民,而制作一批佛牌,师傅遵照古籍传下来的方法开始收集所需材料,过程为了完全遵守古籍法本,师傅花了7~8年时间跑遍各地搜集各式特殊的材料,材料有 108 深海土壤,108 药草,108 骨灰和必须是死于星期6火化于星期2,108 寸草不生的土壤,108 水塘土壤,108庙宇土壤,108 螃蟹洞土壤,108 白蚁巢土壤, 108 经书灰等,和超过700多种别的料,其中有5年的时间陆续加持圣物及材料。大师生前曾说,为了发挥这批圣物最大的效果,必须加持到自己满意,之后又花了3年时间,去加持制作好的各种佛牌模具,另外又用了4个月时间去混合这些圣料.才开始亲自压模制作,制作完成后又对佛牌加持了长达8年时间,当时有許多神圣的咒语和加持法门,其中一个特别经文师傅加持高达10000次。直到2496(1953年)师傅认为满意后才出庙结缘。前后共历时将近18年, 期间也会邀请当时顶级大师参与加持
Attended Master such as
Phor Than Klai Wat Suan Khan
Phor Than Kling Wat Taluntong
Lp Kaew Wat Rong Boon
Lp Mui Phra Kham Nue
Lp Jan Wat Tung Fer etc 等等
Credit to the original translator
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