Roop Mueng Pump Lai Sean By Lp Unn Wat TanGong BE 2547
Nur Tong Leung Fabart ( Alms Bowl material)
Excellent Condition
With Original Temple Box
make less than 5000pcs
Roop Mueng Pump Lai Sean Consecrated by Lp Unn On BE 2547, mixed with Alms Bowl material, one of the popular Roop Pump by Lp Unn.
Good for metta Maha Niyom, Business and trading, Wealth and fortune, Safety Protection and Avoiding misfortune.
Price结缘价: SMS/CALL/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Roop Mueng Pump Roon 2 ( 2nd batch ) By Lp Unn Wat TanGong BE 2547
Nur Takua
Excellent Conditions
Approx 1389 pcs
Roop Pump Roon 2 Consecrated By Lp Unn On BE 2547, base with Hand craft Yant, amulets By Lp unn very rare to have yant by LP, very good for Metta maha Niyom, business and trading, wealth and fortune, safety protection and avoiding misfortune.
Price结缘价: SMS/CALL/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Phikanet 像神 Gao Theva ( 9 Deva (9 天神)) By Wat Taluntong BE 2547
Nur Samkasat
Excellent condtions
Smelted with more than 9999pcs of Copper Sheet, 299pcs silver sheet and over 20 pcs Gold sheets with Yantra Written and bless by many top geji's master, yantra of 108 and various kind of yantra for protection, blessing, wealth, fortune, luck, metta maha niyom, metta mahasaneh, Maha Amnaj, kaewklad plodpai, Kongkapan chatri etc, devotees believe that this Rian Phra Phikanet good for all purpose, consist of almost all good blessing by many Master. Protection and good blessing from all directions by the 9 Theva.
Price结缘价: SMS/CALL/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Khun Paen YodKhunPon By Lp Unn Of Wat TanGong BE 2544
Nur Pong Ittije
Excellent unworn condition
With Original temple Box
Khun Paen YodKhunPon ( Full Armored Warlord ) which ready to accept or fight for any challenges, mixing with the Sacred powder Pong Ittije which is very good for Metta maha niyom which will not only help make people like you more but with loyalty as well, very good Khun Paen consecrated by the Late Lp Unn ( Lp Woon )
Good for Metta, wealth and fortune, safety protection and avoiding misfortune.
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Somdej Phim kaiser 1st batch by Lp Sawai Wat preederam BE 2542
Nur Pong with crystals,Lp sawai's hairs and Jeevon
Excellent unworn conditions
With Original temple Box
The above Somdej Phim kaiser ( Somdej Kaiser design ) Consecrated By Lp Sawai on BE 2542, all rounder amulets, good for Metta maha Niyom, Wealth and fortune, safety protection and avoiding misfortune.
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Khun Paen Roon raek ( 1st batch ) By Lp Sawai Of Wat Preederam BE 2541
Nur Pong
Excellent unworn condition
With original temple box
Phra Khun Paen Consecrated by Lp Sawai are very popular for Metta Maha Niyom and Metta Maha saneh and well proven by many Wearer devotees, also very good for Safety protection and avoiding misfortune.
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Khun Paen Lang Suer By Lp pern Of Wat BangPra BE 2541
Nur Pong Pitt Tong
Excellent Conditions ( Unworn )
With Original temple Box
The Above Khun Paen consecrated by The late Lp Pern On BE 2541 with the signature Tiger At the back of the the Khun Paen, very good for Metta Maha Niyom ( help make people like you more,improved relationship), Maha Amnaj ( gain Respect from people around you and fear by your enemies), Mahalap ( good fortune and good luck), Kongkapan and kaewklad ( Safety protection and avoiding misfortune.
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Naprok Bai MaKam Roon Raek ( 1st Batch ) By Kruba Aliyachat Wat SaenKaew Photiyan BE 2554
Nur Tongdaeng
Aprpox 5000pcs only
The above Prok Makam 1st batch Consecrated By Kruba Aliyachat On Wai kru (拜师节) Day of BE 2554 also the first issue Prok makam By Kruba, Very good for Metta mahaniyom, Karkai, Kongkapan and kaewklad.
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra phong Jam Wan gert ( Birthday Batch Lp Toh ) By Lp Toh Of at Pradoochimplee BE 2520
Nur Khesorn ( Mixed Flower Pollen )
Excellent Conditions
With new Waterproof casing
Phra Phon Jam Wan Gert ( Powder type birthday ) consecrated and distribute BE 2520, total of 10412pcs were produced for Nur Bailan And Nur Khesorn Material, which Nur Khesorn lesser approximately 3000pcs in Khesorn Material, very good powder base Flower Pollen ( Khesorn ) with good blessing by Lp Toh, best for Metta maha Niyom, Metta Mahaaneh, Mahalarp, Karkai, Kongkapan and kaewklad. Anyone who want to own a good Khesorn Amulets by Lp Toh this Phra Jam Wan gert one of the Best option, with affordable price compare to many others Nur Khesorn amulets.
Take Not: This batch Of Phra Jam Wan Gert are not open for Rent
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Rian Anusorn Han Kang Special 2 code By Lp Toh Of Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2516
Nur Tongdaeng
Excellent conditions
With Major Competition Certificate Ready 3rd placing
Rian Anusorn Consecrated by Lp Toh on BE 2516s For Schoold buiding fund rasing purposes, very good merit rian and popular among collectors. The abpve pc special phim with 2 code as usual only one code at the front, very good for Metta Maha Niyom ( Helps make people around you like you and be nice to You), Mahalarp ( Improved luck, and wealth ), karkai ( Improved business sales and attract more customers), Kongkapan and Kaew klad ( Safety protection and avoiding misfortune )
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Phrom 梵天王 四面神 Roon SomPrathana By Ajan Tiu Of Wat Maneechonlakhan BE 2556
Nur Tong Daeng Phew Fai ( 火红面红铜)
Excellent Conditions with temple Box
Phra Phrom SomPrathana known as wish come true 9 (愿望成真四面神)Consecrated By Ajan Tiu ( Tew ) On BE 2556, Limited quantity approx less than 3000pcs were produced, Ajan Tiu are one of the currently most famous Phra Phrom Amulets maker in Thailand, make very popular and efficacious Phra Phrom that benefits many wearer devotees, Good for Metta Mahaniyom, Wealth and fortune, make your wish come true, good business, protecting wearer from danger and misfortune.
Rent结缘价: SOLD
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Yod Tong Roon 2000 By Lp Koon Of Wat BanRai BE 2543
Nur Takua
Excellent unworn conditions
Phra YodTong also Known as ( 顶旗佛,旗顶佛 长胜将军) Consecrated By Lp Koon On the year 2000 millennium Year, Phra Yodtong are one of the most famous amulets by Lp Koon, many good feedback from wearer devotees, numerous miracle incidents, good for Metta maha Niyom, drawing in wealth and fortune, good business and trading, safety and avoiding misfortune.
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Pidta Lang Jeevon Yuk Raek ( First age) 1st batch Lp Dam Wat Mainaparam
Nur Wahn back with jeevon
Excellent Conditions
Back Jeevon with Lp Dam hand Write yant
the above Pidta first Age or 1st Batch Very rare in market nowaday, Lp Dam Pidta very famous and many miracle incidents happened to wearer devotees, very good for safety protection, avoiding misfortune, drawing in wealth and fortune, and Metta mahaniyom.
Rent结缘价: SOLD
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Prathan Lek By Lp Toh Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2521
Nur Phong Khesorn base 1 silver takrut
Excellent Condition
With Major Competition Certificate
4th placing
The above Phra Prathan consecrated by Lp Toh On BE 2521, this batch can be categorised in to two different Phim Phra Prathan Kleebua Yai And phra Prathan Lek the above phim. Good for Metta Maha Niyom, Business and Trading, safety protection and avoiding misfortune.
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Phra Pidta Ut kring Hua Fak Tong By Lp Koon Of Wat BanRai BE 2536
Nur Loha
Excellent conditions
Limited 2536pcs
Phra Pidta Hua Fak Tong ( 金瓜头) Consecrated by lp Koon On BE 2536 together with the Pidta Pompui for twice, very hard to come by a beautiful pc as above, only 2536pcs were produced. Good for wealth and fortune, Metta mahaniyom safety and avoiding misfortune.
Rent结缘价: CALL/SMS/Wechat/Whatsapp
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc
Roop Mueng Phim TauLit By Lp Toh Of Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2523
Nur Pong Khesorn
Excellent conditions
With Major Competition certificate 3rd Placing
Roop Mueng Taulit consecrated by Lp Toh on BE 2523, one of the most identical Lp Toh Figure, the above pc in very good conditions, front and back clearly seen, original powder layer can be clearly seen. Very good for Metta Maha Niyom, good luck and good fortune, safety and avoiding misfortune.
Rent结缘价: SOLD
Contact +6016 250 1221
Wechat : RonAmulets
Whatsapp: 016 250 1221 ( Overseas +6016 250 1221 )
QQ: 2384648105
Local Free Courier charges Via Poslaju or similar Service
Overseas EMS Charges to be advise ( 海外快邮收费有待商议)
Payment Accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Western Union etc