Code 182
Luang Phor Up Wat Tong Sai Mae NangPhim (Mother of Gumantong)BE 2552
Material: herbs,cemetery SoilPraikuman
Luang Phor handwritten yant
Effect: Safety, Metta maha Saneh, Metta maha Niyom, good fortune, Wealth And Prosperity
Note: Special material inserted from the bottom. ( Good luck for gambling, Charming)
注:从底部中插入特殊材料, (增强赌运, 增强异性缘, 夫妻和谐)
龙婆Up大师早期 MaenamPhim (Guman 母亲) 佛牌 BE 254x
原料使用: 墓地土加龙婆Up大师特别经粉草药制作, 因此很灵验
郵寄收費/Postage:Malaysia 包郵寄