Friday, December 23, 2011

Luang Pu Phel of Wat RangMan / Wat Kam Pang Saen Nakorn Pathom Province

Luang Pu Phel of Wat RangMan / Wat Kam Pang Saen, Nakorn Pathom Province. He was born in 1923. Now he is 88 years old. He was ordained at the age of 20. he strictly practice and studied. He concentrated at the meditation knowledge.His holiness currently taking care of few temple such as Wat RangMan Where Lp Stay, Wat Kam Phang Saen and Wat NongPongnok etc~ LP has learned from some of the top guru monks from the past era such as LP Ngern Wat Donyaihom, LP Chaem Wat Takong and LP Parn Of Wat Bangnomkho, Lp famous for his Takrut, Rian, Chindamanee herbs amulets, And other Krueng lang such as Phra yant, Palakid and Biagae. Recently release Rian BE 2554 after Phansa temple all sold out even the flood cant stop his devotees for the crave for his holiness amulets.
Note: Lp phel Amulets are now on the rise, you can easily see new release Rian with Price tag above thousands RM, and for Early batch More than 10 thousands RM
(Credit to the original Author)

大師現年已高齡88歲,目前為止,師父當僧侶的生涯已經長達68年 龍普飄高僧出生於佛曆2466年(西元1923年)10月7日, 跟随著名的大师似LP Ngern Wat Donyaihom, LP Chaem Wat Takong and LP Parn Of Wat Bangnomkho, 在佛曆2475年,龍普飄高僧的父親帶著他去Wat RangMan的附設學校,與沙彌們一起念書.在佛曆2486年,師父滿20歲時,正式出家成為僧侶,並由Wat Kam pang Saen的住持為其剃度。師父修行生涯中,不斷研習巴利文經典,並且修習各種經文符印,之後也通過泰國佛教中最高等級的考試,成為一位能教導僧眾的師父。在此之後,師父的聲望逐漸遠播,並且有許多佛寺的僧眾慕名前來,向其請益並學習佛法。直至現今,兼并Wat kam Pang Saen仍有許多的信徒和僧眾前來向龍普飄求教和祈請加持,大師也經常義務幫其他佛寺督造聖物募款包括兼并佛統府-Wat Nongpongnok ,大師督造知名的聖物 如Takrut(护身符管), Rian(金属牌), Chindamanee 草药, 和 布符, Palakid, 法贝/挡降贝等等

注:LP phel 聖物现在都在上升,你可以很容易地看到新聖物马币数千马币以上的价格

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